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  • The History of Buddhist Architecture in Sri Lanka

    bothto get an idea of the buildings themselves and theirconstruction methods as well as their ...since not been found. Ashoka is saidto have constructed as many as 84000 STUPAS and ...



  • Indian Buddhism

    has been the greatest blessing for mankind in so far as successive order of cause and effect i.e. the ...interdependence of cause and effect is explained as a relationship of conjoint conditionality. The texts of...

    Bhuvan Chandel


  • The means of penetrating truth——Tien- Tai Theory of Knowledge

    ·期刊原文 The means of penetrating truth ——T'ien - T'ai Theory of KnowledgeHaiyan Shen, Shanghai University AS/EALLX·4· 2005,S.233-260 Abstract In Chih-i’s systematization of Buddhist ...



  • A Pointing Finger Kills The Buddha

    criticisms of Cheng's paper, nevertheless it is basically of the same nature as Cheng's paper in ...p. 84). On this point he is primarily opposing D.T. Suzuki's presentation of Ch'an as irrational and...

    James Sellman


  • A solution to the paradox of desire in Buddhism

    wives, my lusts may shrivel to near zero. In fact satisfying my lusts as well as satisfying my desires, ... of them--and this method works as long as his body and mind remain active and healthy. Further, if ...

    A. L. Herman


  • Buddhism and Christianity: Rivals and Allies

    index. The management of complexity is as much the challenge for the scholar in comparative religion as for the executive in corporate business or government ...

    Arnold Wettstein


  • Book Notes: Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism

    commentary. It also includes more generally philosophical issues such as the relationship between language ...views of these (and of several Tibetan) schools and representatives as they were understood by the ...

    Jose Ignacio Cabezon


  • Buddhist Behavioral Codes and the Modern World

    Chinese, as Tso Sze-bong explains, had difficulty grasping the Indian "cultural and environmental ...eclipsed in Japan as more and more stress was laid on praj~naa (wisdom) discipline (see Charles Weihsun Fu...

    Charles Weihsun, Fu and Sandra


  • Notes on church-state affairs: China

    Mongolian Buddhists look to the Dalai Lama, the exiled leaderof Tibetan Buddhists, as their leader. ...

    David W. Hendon


  • Response to Mary Bockovers review of Rationality

    than to early Buddhism itself (as pp. 1-2 make plain). In Bockover's account of my method as set out in chapter 1, she says: "Going to the Pali texts is essential...

    Frank J. Hoffman

