drawnbetween "religious" and "rational" approaches to Buddhism, adistinction often made by .... Hence, I do notmean to single Hookham out on this score. Scholarship onTibetan Buddhism ...
HookHam, S.K.
outside world, it issues only 2500 tourists visas each year. Buddhism, ...and philosophy ever since. Buddhism is of such fundamental importance that all artistic ...
David Nock
him. He has found the Lumbini garden, the spot where the founder of Buddhism was born, ... Buddhism, or it may have been, as I think more probable, one of the "...
G. Buhler
might, moreover, stand as an affront to more philologically inclined scholars of Buddhism; for ...trained scholars of Buddhism would do well to emulate.
Notes1. Kenneth K. Inada, ...
Dan Arnold,
Among the three main `Mahayana` doctrinal traditions in Indian Buddhism-- `...greatest influence on Chinese Buddhism. Such important schools as the Hua-yen, T'ien-t'ai...
Heng-ching Shih
At the time of the rise of Buddhism there were various classes of wanderers ...Buddhism.(1) The sophistic institutions, strictly so called, may be said to date from Uddalaka ...
Bimala Charan Law M.A. C.C.S.
great importance for the history not only of Buddhism, but of the whole religious ...affecting the fate of Buddhism. In it we find the passing away of the Founder of the ...
Causality As SoteriologyAn Analysis of The Central Philosophy of Buddhism
Hsueh-Li ...refute various erroneous views. Finally,the centralmessage of Buddhism will be briefly re-examined ...
Hsueh-Li Cheng
of both Taoism and Buddhism are primarily based on the metaphysical implications of the term " void’...253
of non-being or the Void in Taoism and Buddhism. The remaining discussion of this paper will ...
Huang, Siu-chi
prevalent idealism of Buddhism, especially Ch'an Buddhist thought. And yet, his idea about the mind is...philosophical turning point from Buddhism to Confucianism. The scholars of the two schools of Ch'eng-and...
Tang Chun-I [1]