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  • Naval Warfare in ancient India

    3; 117, 14-15; 119, 4; iv. 27, 4; vi, 62, 6). The Mahabharata relates how the Pandavas, ...

    Prithwis Chandra Chakravarti


  • Necssity and sufficiency in the Buddhas causal schema

    destroyed, he experiences sensations and has feelings.(14) Furthermore, in the Diigha...

    Jeffrey D.Watts


  • Nirvana Is Nameless

    eyes. [14] No sound can be heard by the different kinds of ears. [15] Dark and dim, no one can see it...

    Chang Chung-Yuan


  • The Logic of Place and a Religious World-view

    true absolute. [14] This passage is Nishida's first explication of the logic of the soku hi and of the...

    David A. Dilworth


  • Nondual Thinking

    form an entirely new notion, I am the perceiver or the thinker. [14] From this, Levy later ...

    David Loy


  • Moral Consequences of Self-actualization

    latent spirituality of certain things and ideas (geistige Wesenheiten). [14] The relationship is not ...

    James W. Heisig


  • Old Buddhist Shrines at Bodh-Gaya Inscriptions

    a. Text on 14 Rail-posts(1) Ayaye Kuramgiye danam [.] "The gift of ... p. 14 Kausikiputra has been used as a surname of a high ...

    B.M. Barua


  • On being mindless

    sama`scaayamanantra`sca pratyaya iti sammanantarapratyaya.h(14) Hence the ...

    Paul Griffiths


  • On Chinese Chan in Relation to Taoism[1]

    not firm, then one cannot find a place to cultivate the Tao[ar] and virtue."[14] Chu Hsi himself ...Taoism. 14, 15, 16. Chu Tzu Yu Lei [cr] (Classified Conversations of Chu Tzu). 17. Yang-ming ...

    Wu Yi


  • On the Buddhacarita of Asvaghosa

    ; 4. 24; 6. 43; 7. 12, 45; 8. 54; 9. 14, 67; 11. 50, 62; 13. 16. The accusative is ...

    Sen, Sukumar

