Buddhist women in early Buddhism enjoyed a higher position than their later counterparts, yet in... Mahayana Buddhism. Whereas the pre-Mahayana literature represents the traditional views of an ...
Heng-Ching Shih
Buddhism better than the practice of meditation. Anesaki and Takakusu claim that ...vipassanaa). While Theravaada Buddhism tends to distinguish samaadhi and vipassanaa as ...
Donald K. Swearer
.2 The Second Kind of Dependent Origination
But also, from its inception Buddhism never denied ...differentiated doctrines of Buddhism beyond the primitive Dharma alluded to in the phrase "Whoever sees ...
Alex Wayman
from nowhere else. This notion is universal in ancient India. It is as common in Buddhism as in the... Buddhism actually carries the implications further than the epic; it insists on free will. But even...
Daniel H. H. Ingalls
Buddhism, William Barrett, ed. (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1956), p. 112.
4. G. J....patriarch was,"One who understands Buddhism has attained the secrets of Wobai.""Have you then attained ...
Charles S. Hardwick
assigning the tradition of the Buddha's noble silence to primitive Buddhism, (2) accepting the ... used a closely related term, which appears in post-Naagaarjunan Mahayaana Buddhism, "fullness-...
Thomas McEvilley
under several excellent priests. This central concern with Buddhism can be detected at every stage of ...Buddhism and Taoism "nothing" is raised to the status of the . ultimate ontological principle itself. ...
Matao Noda
1263), the founder of the Jodoshinshu of JapanesePure Land Buddhism, and Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855...difference between Mahayana Buddhism and Christianity regarding therelationship between the person and ...
Joel R. Smith
that of Zen Buddhism. Although I am aware that Keats's notions of the loss of self-identity and of ... Suzuki in The Essentials of Zen Buddhism, Selected from the Writings of Daisetz T. Suzuki, Bernard ...
Benton, Richard P.
Abhidharma Buddhism) but the more basic difficulties that plague our usual commonsense distinction between (...Buddhism has the opposite problem of not being able to provide the connecting thread necessary for ...
David R. Loy