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  • The two Nirvanadhatus according to the Vibhasa

    endures, --the complete exhaustion of ties which this Arhat obtains......" (v) ... 1. Kosa, v, p.110. 2. Kosa, vi, p.241. ...

    Louis de la Vallee Poussin


  • Topics on Being and Logical Reasoning

    scholars, including T. R. V. Murti, [1] R. H. Robinson, [2] and K. N. Jayatilleke, [3] and myself. [4] ...likely to be overlogical than illogical.   NOTES1. T. R.V. Murti, The Central Philosophy of Buddhism ...

    Richard S. Y. Chi


  • Transformation of Buddhism in China

    Southeast Asia.[27]       a. Confucius 孔子 u. Tao-an 道安 b. Lao Tzu 老子 v. Wei shu 魏書 c. Chung Tzu 莊子 ...had been known there. According to the Wei shu[v] ("History of the Wei Period"), chap. 114, a Chinese...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Two types of saving knowledge in the Paali suttas

    discussions, the issue of what Herbert V. Guenther calls "levels of understanding" ...cited as The Middle Length Sayings). 21. The Majjhima Nikaaya 3 vols., ed. V. ...

    Donald K. Swearer


  • Vijnaptimatrata and the Abhidharma

    Equally, in Trimsika v.18 Vasubandhu suggests that the alayavijnanais nothing more than a collective ... the `cognitive-representation ofsense-objects' (vijnaptir visayasya, Trimsika v.2), as is ...

    King, Richard


  • Was Early Buddhism Influenced by the Upanisads?

    Buddhism; ed. P. V. Bapat (Delhi: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, The Publication ...------------------- 15. Majjhima-nikaaya, 3 vols., ed. V. Trenckner and Lord Chalmers (London: Pail...

    Pratap Chandra


  • The Moral Systems of Confucianiam And Buddhism

    tenets (III), his synthesis of the perfectionof human nature (IV), and his synthesis of moral duties (V)...proper interpretation, it could imply the meaning ofthe term hsing(v) or nature as used in the ...

    Bongkil Chung


  • 晓云导师禅画中的儒佛(禅)思想

    力行。[v]   晓云法师,俗名游云山,广东南海人,民国2年8月21日生,现年88岁。华梵大学创办人,少时读儒书、诗书、五经。是我国当代著名的宗教艺术家及教育家。   晓云法师,从事文教艺术已逾半个世纪...創辦人曉雲法師勉詞。   [iv]程明琤,,《曉覺禪心——曉雲法師書畫集》,台北,國立歷史博物館,民國八十七年六月,頁22。  [v] 儒家孝道的體現, 法師不為自己求安樂,但為眾生得離苦之慈悲宏願,與大乘佛法...



  • The Pearl of the Tripitaka, Two Vaggas i

    early as the 1880's, the Honourable V. Fausboll had commented on the antiquity of the Sutta-Nipāta....disputation (Sutta 13) V. Fundamental training – the patimokkha (Sutta 14) VI. Conclusion a. A summary...

    Sik Hin Hung


  • 论藏传佛教逻辑中的“非充足理由”理论

    理由可以划分为多种形式。宗喀巴列举了十三类形式[iii],凯珠杰列举了十四类[iv],根敦珠列举了十五类[v]。他们分类的具体数量虽然不尽相同,但都可以归结为三类大的划分形式,即相对于客观事实而言的小...页。   [v] 根敦珠:《藏传因明逻辑学概略》(藏文),甘肃民族出版社1996版,第286页。   [vi] 沈剑英:《因明学研究》,东方出版中心2002年版,第220页。   [vii] 凯珠杰·...


