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  • The Zen of eating

    where it can be found. This is your challenge and practice, pure and simple. ...and/or dedicating merit at every meal, for one month. Notice what impact this practice ...

    Kabatznick, Ronna


  • Time and temporality--A Buddhist approach

    holding such a view, although it is common practice to look upon these events as ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • The Place of the Aryasatyas and Pratitya Sam Utpada

    truth is the way in which ahara ceases. It happens by the practice of the eightfold...

    Dr. Nalinaksha Dutt,


  • Towards a philosophy of Buddhist religion

    of belief and practice as well assecular systems of a similar nature [30]. My proposal for a ...

    Frank J. Hoffman


  • Transcendence East and West

    precept) sect was founded, whose spiritual practice emphasized reciting the innumerable rules which ...

    David R. Loy


  • Transformation of Buddhism in China

    same time instead of following one religion or another separately as is the practice in India and ...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Transformations in Buddhism in Tibet

    religious practice leading to salvation is to be justified. From the standpoint of compassion, ...

    Kenneth Chen


  • Translating Nishida

    something all the more unreachable in practice the more acute one's conscience becomes. Such ...

    Maraldo , John C.


  • Two Strains in Buddhist Causality

    in Buddhism, nirvaana, and in consequence of which the emphasis has been on the practice of; ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Unity of Three Truths and Three Forms of Creativity

    method. The lively practice of gongan ( koan, in Japanese) queries and dialogic exchanges ...

    Cheng, Chung-Ying

