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  • Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism

    how the notion of scholasticism can serve as a valuable category for the comparative study...specific usefulness of the concept of scholasticism to scholars of comparative religion, as a ...

    C.W. Huntington Jr..


  • Contributions on Tibetan Language, History and Culture

    especially, as the editors also point out in their preface, the study of philosophical ...establish the status of English as the lingua franca of Tibetology - part of the legacy of ...

    Mark Tat


  • Asceticism in Buddhism and Brahmanism: A Comparative Study

    asceticism." Shiraishi's aim of studying Buddhism not in isolation but as part of...as groundbreaking as he appears to think. Shiraishi's method, especially his use of ...



  • Mandala architecture

    order, and balance. But while many people of the Westaccept mandalas as representative of a cosmic force, few understand theyare meant to be blueprints as well. Indeed, a Tantric Buddhist ...

    Tracy Cochran


  • Phenomenological-Psychological Aspects

    editions of the Tibetan canon of translated scripture, and for good reason: even as rGod-... from the point of view of the bodhisattva's mind, not - as in most other texts - by ...

    Mark Tatz


  • Nietzsche and Buddhism:

    earlier generation to think of him as a prophet of existentialism. Robert Morrison has made Nietzsche recognizable once again as a German Romantic. More precisely, ...



  • Nietzsche and Buddhism: Prolegomenon to a Comparative Study

    necessarily imperfect: as Max Ladner has shown in his Nietzsche und der Buddhismus (Zurich, 1933), ...of pity," and indeed characterized this religion gener-     p.333 ally as a "decadent" and "...

    Freny Mistry


  • Reviews the book `Buddhist Insight:

    introduction Elder attempts to situate the presentvolume as a non-tantric counterpart to Wayman...reader. The pieces as awhole bear witness to the relentless scholarly pursuit ofknowledge about ...

    George R. Elder.


  • Buddhist Learning and Textual Practice

    monasticism that depicts "desirable monasticism as learned monasticism" (p. 79). They cast the emergence of ...is heralded as the savior of a degenerate Buddhism because it restores Buddhism to an earlier ...

    Anne M. Blackburn


  • The Good Heart 2

    with their reflections on Christianity. Thich Nhat Hanh recognized Jesus as ...there is as great a value in diversity as in harmony. This heart-opening book, based on ...

    Yelle, Robert A.

