rarely do we hear about Confucian qigong, at least not in a literal sense. However, according to Yan ...insightful and significant to the scholarship of Confucianism. In this paper, I will first introduce ...
Peimin Ni
Fifth Avenue; she's waiting for a doze that willnot come. In lieu of that, she will settle for dawn--...two-week vacation in New York--livingon the streets for five days with a pack of Zen Buddhists led by ...
Lisa Kennedy
p. 323
In the last fifty ...diligently to devise a philosophical vocabulary in which the insights and techniques of the...
Malcolm D. Eckel
has been thecentral issue in Buddhist thought.(1) The Buddha is reportedto have said, "He who sees...universally," as well as"objectively," valid.(3) But in fact, not all Buddhists regard causality...
Hsueh-Li Cheng
can be done by us. The extraordinary spiritual attainment of bhikkhus is to be seen in such a place as that in which you are."-- From Buddhaghosa's commentary [1] on the Satipatthāna Sutta (Majjhima ...
Matthew Dillon
monastery(2) begins in the year of the foundation of Bangkok as the Capital of the...of the monasteries then in existence on the left bank of the Menam, of only moderate ...
affirms thetruth within, and the autonomous value of, other religions. Gavin D'Costa,in particular, ...Encountering God is a sensitive record of her theologicalreflection as a United Methodist in dialogue ...
Judson B. Trapnell
Sanscrit text of the Guhyasamaaja and, in the introduction to the same, has, ...account of my sudies in Lamaism and of the work, in which I am now engaged, of ...
offers an opportunity to reflect on just what shifts in cultural world lines might be occasioned by ...of Thought: "The first chapter in philosophic approach should consist in a free examination of some ...
Grange, Joseph
Studies in the Philosophy of the BodhicāryāvatāraBy Paul WilliamsReviewed by Siderits, MarkPhilosophy ...July 2000)
Paul Williams' new book Altruism and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodhicāryā...
Paul Williams