field by concentrating on the East, especially aesthetics as it has evolved in the unique ...philosophy. My essay, in a way, is a critical examination of aesthetics as a legitimate ...
Kenneth K. Inada
apparently unmeaning syllables are found among various primitive peoples. As a ...victim's nails or hair.....as an additional connection whereby the wax figures may be ...
Chintaharan Chakravarti
is, in one respect, as peculiar as the way in which it handled the views against which its ...discredit the Maadhyamika method of refutation. Unsympathetic modern writers such as A. B. Keith have ...
Richard H. Robinson
Professor Jacobi treats as the assured foundations for his investigations the dates of the Nirvanas of the Buddha and of Mahavira, as 484 and 477 B.C. But it ...
A. Berriedale Keith
P.375 I Confucianism can be characterized as a philosophical ... personal affiliation with Zen monks such as Ch'ang-tsung(d) or Fo-yin Liao-yuan(e)...
Charles Wei-hsun Fu
Buddha is on the central issue of metaphysics itself. Munitz says: "Metaphysics as the...developing his approach, he will treat the concept of Being as synonymous to "existence...
Kenneth K. Inada
Prasannapadaa commentary on MK has departed so far from the intent of MK as not to deserve translation (although...the problem is not, as Kalupahana opined on kaarikaa 1-2, one of 'agent' but rather whether the realm...
Alex Wayman
Like many readers who will be curious about Bernard Faure's new book, I approach it as a person with a basic knowledge of Chan/Zen Buddhism but not as a scholar of religion; I ...
Stuart Sargent
of person-- stages as temporal slices of persons, or, alternatively, as temporal slices of the biographies of persons. Either way, there are quite a number of theories on offer as to what the unity ...
Roy W Perrett
traditions often act as a reminder that the most creative thinking occurs in response ... is intensely dialogical.
It should come as no surprise, then, that the title used...
Jeffrey R. Timm