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  • The Logic of Place and a Religious World-view

    the form of the relative." [13] How can such paradoxes, which Nishida insists are not to be ...

    David A. Dilworth


  • Moral Consequences of Self-actualization

    speaking with another human being." [13] In the second place, the I-Thou relationship is not merely ...

    James W. Heisig


  • On being mindless

    [for the occurrence of such an event].(13) To understand what this Vaibhaa.sika ...

    Paul Griffiths


  • On Chinese Chan in Relation to Taoism[1]

    fasting or mind forgetting or clear as the morning."[13] This is not sufficiently clear and needs ...

    Wu Yi


  • On the Authority (Pramanya) of the Buddhist Agamas(1)

    J.R.A.S., 1901, p. 308. (2) 'Sa^nkara, 2,2, 24; Abhidharmako'sav., 13a (... Cf. iii, 2 (fol. 7a, 2) ; Taatp, 138. 2; Vaarttika, 61. 13; Nyaayas. i, 1, ...

    Louis DE LA Vall`ee Poussin


  • On the Paradoxical Method

    essay provides an excellent example for 'matching up contraries': (13) By ...are put into symbolic notation. P.69 (13). Taisho., 45; No. 1858; p....



  • On turning a Zen ear

    no-speech (fugowa(i)).(13) The dissolution of visualism in Zen language ...

    David Appelbaum


  • On Zen (Chan) Language and Zen Paradoxes

    (12) 'Attach to this, detach from this.'(13) 'Don't speak about being and don't speak about...negation of logic and reason [13], for this view will preclude one from giving a rational and ...

    Chung-Ying Cheng


  • Orality, writing and authority in South Asian Buddhism

    use of writing.(13) He notes that the task of preserving the immense Pali canon ...

    David McMahan


  • Original Buddhism and Amrta

    of the 13 Upani.sads reckoned earliest, the words immortal, immortality occur about...

    Rhys Davids, Caroline A.F.

