much the earliest Buddhism borrowed from other schools. Windisch's article on Brahmin influence on Buddhism shows how little is really known about the actual movements in...
E. J. Thomas
heritage from Indian philosophical-religious thought--for Buddhism is a Hindu heresy--accounts for this in...a crucial point, since, so far as the Vedaanta
and Buddhism are concerned, it bears on the ...
Winston L. King
Buddhism was introduced into Central Asia during the third century. Archaeological and documentary ..., the former spreading Buddhism, but the latter was a politically unstable regime.
Part IV: "Turks,...
David Christian
retrospection, the various causation theories within Buddhism. I will analyze, in a ...Recently David J. Kalupahana in Causality: The Central Philosophy of Buddhism ...
Whalen Lai
in theprocess of both rejecting and absorbing Taoism and Buddhism. Han Yu et altried to adapt ... Taoism and Buddhism, which later became the dominantphilosophy of rulers in late feudal society (...
Guo Z
stands out as one of the most eminent San-lun(1) scholars in Chinese Buddhism during...aim of this study to describe and justify her religious role in Buddhism in ...
Aaron K. Koseki
this respect by the European scholars (Kern, Manual of Indian Buddhism, p. 2...proves a liking for metaphysical subtlety that is foreign to primitive Buddhism. ...
Jean Przyluski
Mahaayaana Buddhism. His considerable corpus includes texts addressed to lay audiences, ... of Buddhism" (Kalupahana 1986), I will argue that Naagaarjuna begins with causation ...
Jay L. Garfield
writings of Buddhism, Jainism, and Miimaa.msaa (as they must have in the lost writings ...attempted to argue that Buddhism, with its worship of an omniscient tathaagata, ...
Roger Jackson
. [11] But Buddhism itself grew out of that milieu, and although accounted a "heterodox" movement (...follow the order suggested by the "Three Jewels" of Buddhism (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha) -- the Master, ...
Matthew Dillon