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  • The First Systematizations of Buddhist Thought in China

    not a question of reality but one of perception or, if one prefers, of construction. [13] Before ...

    Leon Hurvitz


  • The Future of Chinese Buddhist Thought

    takes to pratitya-samutpada instead of to the sunyata that Abe     p.64 tirelessly harps on,[13] it ...

    Whalen Lai


  • The Harmonious Universe of Fa-tsang and Leibniz

    single jewel. The rest of the jewels can be understood in the same manner.(13) ...Spurious Parallels to Buddhist Philosophy, " Philosophy East and West, 13, no. 2 [1963]: 105....

    Ming-wood Liu


  • The Hidden Advantage of Tradition

    does not follow them."[13] Eliot thought that Western philosophy, from Socrates to Russell, was ... as Eliot, "Degrees of Reality." 13 Eliot, "Artificial Distinctions." 14 Confer S. N. L. ...

    Jeffry M. Perl and Andrew P. T


  • The historical Buddha (Gotama), Hume, and James on the self

    perception, and never can observe anything but the perception. [13] Again, . . . I may venture to affirm of...

    D. C. Mathur


  • The Hsie Tsung Chi

    Other Shore. Suchness does not move, [13] yet its function is inexhaustible.Constantly thinking, yet ...28. In Kern's English translation, Chapter 13, pp. 274-276.But to none he makes a present of his ...

    Robert B. Zeuschner


  • The human body as a boundary symbol:

    lived body, and the world because both are flesh.(13) In other words, beneath the ...

    Carl Olson


  • The I Ching in the Shinto Thought

    and Izanami was the God of Yin. These two gods supported the wonderful forces of wu-hsing. " [13] ...

    Wai-ming Ng


  • The I-ching[a] and the Formation of the Hua-yen[b] Philosophy

    Liang dynasty[q] had popularized in his days the idea of "pure karma" in his essay on that topic.[13] ...

    Whalen Lai


  • The Investigative Interrelatedness

    here.[13] Any phenomenalism translates secondness into firstness and thirdness, while all forms of ...Ronald Gregor Smith 2d ed. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958), chapter (1). 13 "Principles ...

    Mary Carman Rose

