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  • The Saddharmapu.n.dariika and Suunyataa Thought

    phenomena related in the above seven points. [13] In as much as the Karashima theory assumes a gradual ...Sanskrit text, 81,13-82, 1). What the Saddharmapu.n.dariika calls the path to Buddhahood has its ...

    Kajiyama, Yuichi


  • The Sautrantika arguments

    time series along which presentness is supposed to move."(13) In any case,...

    A.Charlene McDermott


  • Primitive Buddhist Texts

    the ordinary man's egotistic self, subject to desires and to torments. [13] ...Theragatha, 1098, Thera and Therigatha, p. 98, Dhammapada, 103, 104, 105. [13] ...

    Davids. T. W. Rhys


  • The Self in Medival Japanese Buddhism

    expended, freed from birth and death, you become Buddha.(13) In other ...11 - Shobogenzo 1, "Genjo koan." 12 - Ibid., 25, "Keisei sanshoku." 13 - 95-...

    Kiyotaka Kimura


  • The significance of paradoxical language in Hua-yen Buddhism

    Faith,(13) understands reality in terms of a dialectical pattern. The One Mind comes forth ...

    Dale S. Wright


  • The So-called Mahapadana

    is best known as the designation of one of the books (No. 13) in the ... "Sacred Books of Buddhists", vol. iii, 13 f. 2.For full evidence see my "Buddha'...



  • The Spiritual Roots of Civil Society

    "the powers that be are ordained of God", Romans 13:1), but one could also find severe criticisms of...passions and illusions from the Old Testament". [13] According to Hill, the key to Cromwell's ...

    David R. Loy


  • The structure of consciousness in purpoyted trilogy

    self-contained and cohesive outline of Paramaartha's philosophy. B. San wu-hsing llun (SWHL)[13]   ...

    Diana Y. Paul


  • The Svabhaavahetu in Dharmakiirtis Logic

    names or concepts is nonperceptual. [13] Further, names like "pot" do not refer to anything real, ...

    Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti


  • A Study of Tao Yuan-ming’s Nature Poetry

    bird to settle where I will. [13] Note also how similar in feeling and tone with T'ao Yuan-ming is...

    Angela Jung Palandri

