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  • Causality As Soteriology

    as the governingprinciple of all phenomena(6) or "the nature of reality."(7)Naagaajuna is ...ceasing, that ceases."(10) Most people interpret this principle as saying: "When this entity exists...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • Causality: Eternal or Momentary?

    and the Tattvasa^ngraha of `Saantarak.sita, combined with Kamala`siila's commentary thereon.[6] ...barley are potentially in the earth as their material cause.[10] And to "know" a mate- p.120 rial ...

    Winston L. King


  • Chinese Bhiksunis in the Chan Tradition

    should assume a second female nature, then may I not obtain the highest perfect knowledge."6 The `...Buddha."10 Again he said, "Can you say that she is a woman, and women have no share [in enlightenment...

    Heng-Ching Shih


  • Chinese Buddhist causation theories

    thought in general.(6) Considering the fact that Indian philosophy was committed to ...the Hua-yen school (which later influenced Neo-Confucianism(10) ) we will see an ...

    Whalen Lai


  • Chinese Confucian Culture And The Medical ethical tradition

    hardly any differencefrom animals (5,6). Confucianists also emphasized the methods of moraleducation....people benefited from hisgenerosity each year (10). The phrase 'warm spring in the apricot wood' ...

    Guo Z


  • The true dharma doctrine and the bodhisattva ideal

    dharma." which took the form of both "principle" (li(c)) and right social action.(6...categories: a "principle meaning" (li) and a "functional meaning" (i-yung(f) ).(10) The key...

    Aaron K. Koseki


  • Chu Hsis Ethical Rationalism

    is an indispensable method of acquiring moral knowledge.[6] (2) A thing or wu means any perceptual ... sense, it is Chu Hsi who elaborated and synthesized the two views in his comprehensive system.[10] ...

    Siu-Chi Huang


  • Conflict and Harmony in Chan [a] and Buddhism

    Consciousness Only, the six Perfections (paaramitaas) and the four all-embracing virtues (sa^mgrahavastu). [6...the four noble truths (catvaari-aarya-satyaani) etc. [10] are all unreal. There is no wisdom to ...

    Jan Yun-hua


  • Confucianism and Zen (Chan)

    without proper nourishment and care, everything decays."[6] In Confucian philosophy, man is not only...illuminating innate virtues."[10] Or as Mencius observed, "The way of learning is none other than finding the ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • Contestation and consensus: The morality ofabortion in Japan

    workings of karma,(n.6)in ritual actions that are more interested in adumbrating "order,"... it and to an extent penetrated by it."(n.10) Therefore, the Buddhist stance ...

    William R. LaFleur

