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  • Contingency and the Time of the Dream

    because it refuses the determinism that is characteristic of the Hindu religion. [6] Maurice Guyau, ...winter becomes spring, or say that spring becomes summer," says Dōgen in the Shōbōgenzō. [10] For D...

    Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten


  • Cosmology and meditation Agganna-Sutta Mahayana

    Thrai Phum Phra Ruang ("Three Worlds according to King Ruang").(6) The overall ...be found scattered throughout the Nikayas.(10) I reckon the basic principles to be three....

    Rupert Gethin


  • Dead Words, Living Words, and Healing Words

    nya means we can never attain them. We can, however, realize what we have always been/not been. [6] ...words. This is like eating rice everyday without any attachment to a grain of rice." [10] Hui-neng ...

    David R. Loy


  • buddhist perspectives with particular reference to the theravada tradition

    Parinibbana or "Fully Completed Release."6 The traditional accounts of the Buddha's Parinibbana also indicate...ordinary Buddhist practitioners in northern Thailand.10 At the personal level serious Buddhists in ...

    Frank E. Reynolds


  • Aspects of the bodhisattva Ideal in the Mahayana

    its furthest limits all that was to be found in the ideal", [6] to give it its richest ... this mind and its power. [10] It is, of course, a change of "mind", a ...

    Harry Oldmeadow



    (6) as exemplary of a certain development in Mahaayaana thinking about the ... 'onto-theology-to-be-deconstructed,'"(10) that, respecting negative theology, "we ...

    Toby Avard Foshay


  • Dependent origination and the dual-nature of the Japanese Aesthetic

    the abyss". [6] He maintains that because the Japaneseorientation regards everything as having the ...flowers, the fact of the row offlowering trees would no doubt have left an impression". [10] Here, ...

    Railey, Jennifer McMaho


  • Review the Book `Nagajuna: The Philosophy of the Middle Way

    substance in action.(6) For suppose that a promissory note written on paper were tobe destroyed...freedom. Freedom has no thing that distinguishes it from the life-process.(10) The next...

    David J. Kalupahana


  • Sivas Self-Recognition and The Problem of Interpretation

    challenge their own tradition. [6] Buddhist logic has some similarities with the phenomenalism of ...Response to the Buddhists: The Pratyabhij~naa Theory of Divine Self-Recognition. [10] Utpaladeva and ...

    David Lawrence


  • Dereification in Zen Buddhism

    dereification[6]that explicates, more clearly than that of Berger and his colleagues, howdereification ...e.,reified) concepts and extreme dichotomies[10] and is a "radicallyreflexive" perspective that, ...

    Robert J. Moore

