p. 471
In recent years there have been those who ...lie in a different directions. It is, for instance, quite common for the latter merely to locate ...
Hudson, H.
notice what force is appealed to characterized and expressed in this world? The thought and action ...altogether free from suffering. When he is in his prime, in the full vigour of his life, he nourishes ...
Xue Feng
The main arguments of Vai`se.sika in favor of the all-pervasiveness of aatmon[1] can, in the...claim deserves our close examination because it illuminates some questions of moment in the ...
Gradinarov, Plamen
sympathetic writers on Buddhism, claim for the Dhamma of the Buddha that it is in line ... faith having its basis in dogma, science its basis in hypothesis, they will ever ...
Rhys Davids, C. A. F.
say that there has been very little discussion in Western scholarship about how Indian ...is in part because money and monks have had, to be sure, an unhappy history in the West -...
Carl Bielefeldt
Nishitani and Postmodernism
One of the major contributions in Nishitani Keiji's modern philosophical exposition of Zen is his discus- sion of the question of history in a ...
Steven Heine
not generally realized, however, that he was in less contact with Buddhism than is generally ...Buddhist elements in Wang's philosophy is undeniable. The whole course of Sung[d] (960-1279) and Ming[e] ...
Wing-Tsit Chan[a]
p. 203
In July 1992, the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party discarded its former icons Marx and Lenin and installed Naagaarjuna in their place. This all goes to...
Ian W. Mabbett
of the Ms.
The second manuscript examined by me is written in the calli- graphic Gupta characters very similar to those in the first manuscript.(1) The characters ...
Dutt, Nalinaksha.
Buddhist temple in China you cannot fail to notice two rows of large yellow figures--one ... canon. If you go on to Korea and visit the curious old Buddhist temples in that ...