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  • Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language

    sign." [6] "True speech ... is only silence." [7] Despite their contextual differences, these ...is not to say anything about the noumenon--the unknowable. [10] This makes the Chan view somewhat ...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Illusionism (Maayavaada) in Late Tang Buddhism

    730, already doubted this legend when it recorded it. [6] The full p. 40 title itself is ...his first reading, all the nuances Tsung-mi attributed to the structure of the YCC. [10] There are ...

    Whalen W. Lai


  • Mahaayaana Buddhism and Whitehead

    Reality, Whitehead remarks that "the term 'actual occasion' will always exclude God from its scope." [6] ...theory of "God and the World." [10] A. Actual occasions (as subjects) transcend God by virtue of ...

    Masao Abe


  • Metaphysics in Dōgen

    zazen 坐禪) under the direction of a master. [6] Metaphysical speculation is no substitute for this ...use of reason is an integral part of Zen practice, [10] and therefore one cannot assume that Dōgen's ...

    Kevin Schilbrack


  • Metaphysics, Negative Dialectic

    of general ideas in terms of which every element of our experience can be interpreted." [6] While a ...we experience." [10] All people have a direct knowledge of the actual world in the sense that human ...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • Microgenesis and Buddhism: The Concept of Momentariness

    duration. [6] The duration of the moment is bound up with a theory of momentary states of consciousness ...incomplete. [10] The consequence of a momentariness that is pervasive and ruthlessly applied is ...

    Jason W. Brown


  • Mind and Morality in Nineteenth-Century

    beyond human control.[6] Moreover, these teachers` theoretical formulations about the mind ("philosophies...[10] In fact, extrapolating from her study of Kurozumi-kyo, and other groups, she suggests that the ...

    Janine Anderson Sawada


  • Modern Hindu Exegesis of Mahayana Doctrine

    scholars, who tend to ignore the difference between the Sautraantika and Vaibhaa.sika schools.[6] ...in which he had received his education.[10] He uses the Maadhyamika's own weapon to lead him ad ...

    Agehananda Bharati


  • Moral education in Japan

    as inoru, to pray; reihai, worship;ogamu, adore, and the like.[6] Hence, allusions in the Rescript...regularschool subject, but did not preclude such a possibility altogether.[10] Inspite of protests ...

    Klaus Luhmer


  • Morality or beyond

    harmonization of the fundamental principles in both Confucianism and Buddhism.(6...cultivation).(10) But the most interesting case is probably that the difference between the ...

    Charles Wei-hsun Fu

