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  • The Philosophy of the Middle Way

    in action.(6) For suppose that a promissory note written on paper were tobe destroyed; still, ...Freedom has no thing that distinguishes it from the life-process.(10) The next verse he ...

    Herman A.L.


  • Necssity and sufficiency in the Buddhas causal schema

    (6) While most scholars would agree that, in the context of the schema, the term ... be applied legitimately to the relations expressed in the scheme.(10) For ...

    Jeffrey D.Watts


  • Nirvana Is Nameless

    Following the example of the 'Ten Wings' written by Confucius in the I Ching, [6] I have written the ... dwellings of being; [10] it identifies with the unlimited Void, and abides in timelessness. Follow ...

    Chang Chung-Yuan


  • Nondual Thinking

    unification, we shall be completely on the wrong track. [6] vijnana cannot work without having prajna ...should say, it thinks,just as one says, it rains.- Lichtenberg [10] In the Western ...

    David Loy


  • Moral Consequences of Self-actualization

    categories of East and West crystallize with special clarity in the idea of the I-Thou relationship. [6] ...grounds it. [10] In this connection Buber's view contrasts sharply with that of Kierkegaard, otherwise one...

    James W. Heisig


  • On being mindless

    somitra's Abhidharmako`sasphu.taarthavyaakhyaa (hereafter cited as AKV),(6) ...commentary by Sumati`siila (Karmasiddhi.tiikaa, hereafter cited as KS.T),(10) and to the ...

    Paul Griffiths


  • On Chinese Chan in Relation to Taoism[1]

    those who have understood the principle, you will block them."[6] This is a proper explanation of ...the mind and seeing the original nature. The "Great Learning"[10] which is a Confucianist classic ...

    Wu Yi


  • On Zen Language and Zen Paradoxes

    calling, nor in relation to Cheng's example (6)-- "Assertion prevails not, nor ...contradictories. The diagnosis is again (IV). (10 "I see mountain not as mountain; and I see ...

    John King-Farlow


  • On the Buddhas Answer to the Silence of God

    transcendental philosophy of the sort used by Rahner and other thinkers since Kant. [6] Panikkar argues ... of Buddha worlds illustrates the point. [10]   IV A third theme generalizes the first two. ...

    Robert C. Neville


  • On the Paradoxical Method

    inference which the Neo-Mohists regarded as the true method of induction. (6) Graham's ...(dharmas).(10) In applying his dialectical treatment to these subject matters, ...


