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  • On translating the term d.r.s.taanta in early Buddhist formal logic

    propositional and predicate calculi plus the logic of relations.(6) All these, at one ... a d.r.s.taanta1 statement of (positive) concomitance (3.3.1.(4) ) .(10) ...

    Douglas D. Daye


  • On turning a Zen ear

    universe over a Heraclitean one.(6) Second, it posits an eduring, self-identical soul, ...object is held at length, at the focal point of our binocular system.(10) Visual ...

    David Appelbaum


  • Orality, writing and authority in South Asian Buddhism

    literature referring to the learning process are related to speaking and hearing.(6) The ... individual scribe.(10) For an orthodoxy trying to maintain the authenticity...

    David McMahan


  • Paradox and Enlightenment in Zen Dialogue

    paradoxicality of the language of the koan which accomplishes this [6]. But this is only the negative side of ...methods. IIIIn his 1913 treatise entitled Ideen [10], Husserl argues that while the common sense...

    Philip J. Bossert


  • Paramaartha and modern constructivists on mysticism

    the music, architecture, aesthetics, and ethics of a tradition.(6) Elsewhere William ... tradition, mystical experiences must be so shaped.(9) Smart,(10) Hick,(11) Penehelum,(12) ...

    Robert K. C. Forman


  • Patterns of Chinese Assimilation of Buddhist Thought

    should be called false (mrṣa/hsü).6 The stopping of the four consciousnesses mentioned here ...knowledge from seeing, hearing and thinking of dharmas, the knowledge is discriminative."10 This ...

    Yün-Hua jan


  • Philosophy for an age of death

    threat of self-created destruction.(6) Thus, the very fabric and structure of ... forward the technological, put up with it, or evade it."(10) Nishitani makes almost ...

    Steven Heine


  • Planetary thinking/planetary building

    problematic of writing, in Of Grammatology.(6) These attempts are a step forward from ...field of nihility," to the "field of emptiness."(10) This movement is both ...

    Evan Thompson


  • Plotinus and Vijnanavada Buddhism

    separable. It is important to note that for Plotinus, matter is strictly unreal.[6] None of the ...10] Nature "is a vision of itself.''[11] Creation is not so much a making (poiesis) as a thinking (...

    McEvilley, Thomas


  • Preparing For Something That Never Happens

    important sources of all 'social' problems." [6] Weber explicitly describes capitalism, his most famous...become an iron cage. [10] We are a long way from Adam Smith's invisible hand. Weber's metaphor is less ...

    David R. Loy

