were never properly published. 6. Implications for the study of Buddhist literature and ...contributions which the new documents can be expected to make to the study of Indian ...
Richard Salomon
study. But no Pi.takan passage throws any light on what was meant by abhivinaya. A ...and mastery of them due to further study and reflection, and resulting in a ...
V. Murti, in his classic study, has called
Maadhyamika the "Central Philosophy of ...
Robert M. Gimello
application, they play a rather straightforward role. After 40 years
of careful study, it is my ... presents an insightful article
based on 100 respondents to a questionnaire study to assess views ...
Myron J, Stolaroff
Blessed are the birth-givers: Buddhist views on birth and rebirth
Miranda Shaw
Vol.23 No.4
Nov 1998
pp.48-53 COPYRIGHT 1998 Society for the Study of Myth and ...
Miranda Shaw
the Soka Gakkai International. This group (whose name meansValue-Creating Study Association) began its...
Jan Nattier
ritual suicide. Rutland: Charles E Tuttle,1968; Kakubayashi F. A historical study of harakiri. ...
Perrett, Roy W.
Emptiness A Study in Religious Meaning (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1967), especially pp. 229-247 for a ...Buddhism: A Study of the Maadhyamika System (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1955) as the norm ...
Nolan Pliny Jacobson
What this stage of Buddhist study really implied cannot be ...grammar was a fully developed study.
Wherever the tests of this literature ...
E. J. Thomas
Commentary on the Nyayapravesa, which has been partly translated by me in a previous study(... Now we shall study the section dedicated to the third item, that is, to the basis or ...
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