predictable and sometimes inconsistent. So as not to seem apologists, some ... agents' breaking Japanese secret codes, codes specifically designed to be as ...
Thomas P. Kasulis
individual, conceived not as an autonomous entity but as a congeries of various causally arisen and interrelated phenomena. (3) On the other, it often stands as a point of focus ...
Jeffrey D.Watts
Zen, such as D.T. Suzuki and Alan Watts, Cheng speaks as a scholar no less at ...between the Zen Masters' understanding of paradox as a tool and the initial puzzlement ...
John King-Farlow
occurs as part of his attempt to read the Western philosophical tradition as...originates. As Jacques Derrida explains: "It is simply that the founding concepts of philosophy ...
Evan Thompson
as much as possible and open up fresh areas for a meaningful dialogical discourse.
...difficulties naturally. This is as it should be. For any positive or objective accounting ...
Kenneth K. Inada
feminists and other progressive political groups view suchsolutions as reformulating social issues ...).
I live with this polarization of personal solutions and politicalexplanations as a radical ...
Morell C
consistent and a reasonable reflection of at least some aspect of language as used in ...of language as presented in Plato's Cratylus and Kuukai's Shojijis sogi(a) (The ...
original texts of the the Maadhyamikas, as also of those of their rivals, ... than a form of Absolutism or Absolutistic monism, as commonly believed today. The ...
This will hereafter be referred to mainly as sitting or as zazen (of which the word "meditation" is ...therefore, as a corollary principle of judgment, evaluate a book about Zen Buddhism by the amount of ...
Paul Wienpahl
concepts as "not conducive to calm, to higher knowledge, enlightenment-...here to learn just as much as you have come to question. I believe it is ...
Kenneth K. Inada