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  • Pyrrhonism and Maadhyamika

    and dilemma type of reductio ad absurdum [15] with liberal use of regressus ad infinitum (Skt. ...phantom.... Just so (is) this negation (VV 24, 23.).   p. 15 The opponent then bases himself on...

    Thomas McEvilley


  • Rationality, Argumentation and Embarrassment

    literature, [15] four types of questions have been differentiated. (1) There are questions which ought to...

    V. K. Bharadwaja


  • Reflections On World Peace Through Peace Among Religions

    impediment? [15] p. 201 What Ch'eng Hao exposed was a profound paradox of life: when one is ...

    Liu, Shu-hsien


  • Relativity in Maadhyamika Buddhism and modern physics

    world, makes a similar point in his celebrated Ways of Worldmaking(15):...

    Victor Mansfield


  • Religion and the Market

    very policies derived from the model." [15] We have learned to play the roles which fit the jobs we ...

    David Loy


  • Vietnamese home temples and the First Amendment

    system would be courting anarchy."[15] He added that the onlyexamples of cases where exemptions to ...

    Chloe Anne Breyer


  • Rethinking God and Buddhism

    jiko ("true self").[15] He describes this doctrine of the "true self" as follows: Our self, as ...Culture (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1973), p. 3. [15]. Kosaka Kunitsugu, Nishida ...

    Gu, Linyu


  • Review Article

    ·期刊原文Review Article THE YOGAACAARA IDEALISM(1)By ALEX WAYMANPhilosophy East and Westvolume 15(1965...saattvika aha^mkaara.(15) The pre-aha^mkaara stages of the "imagination of unreality"...



  • Reviewrd the book Mantra , edited by Harvey P. Alper

    without further comment, that "japa issaid to be a part of sattvikapatas (5.20.11,15); it is ...

    Kohn, Richard J.


  • Ritual Topography: Embodiment and Vertical Space

    must not make a noise belching.(15) Clearly, when present, the Master or other authority ...

    Reinders, Eric.

