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  • The Logical Form of Catuskoti: A New Solution

    astounding success of mathematics, as applied mathematics and as a major branch of modern science, [6...[10] Catu.sko.ti statements do not always exhibit a consistent logical form. They must be ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • The Lotus Sutra and Whiteheads Last Writings

    true extinction. [6] And with these words the Sutra pushes the meaning of Buddhism to its most ...Good is the very last thing that we learn, [10] It is therefore the result of a long, arduous effort. ...

    Grange, Joseph


  • The Mahāyāna Deconstruction of Time

    the Being hidden within the world of Becoming.[6] Even science is a "footnote to Plato," for the same ...ndogya[10]), but these two extremes turn out to be identical: the Buddhist "no-self" is ...

    David Loy


  • kooan and mondoo as linguistic tools of the Zen masters

    , is "suicidal for" life, and is the "most deadly enemy of Zen." [6] Rationality is not only "futile...an adequate medium for the communication of their philosophical beliefs about the world. [10] However...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • The meaning is the use

    , is "suicidal for" life, and is the "most deadly enemy of Zen." [6] Rationality is not only "futile...an adequate medium for the communication of their philosophical beliefs about the world. [10] However...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • The Meaning of Vairocana in Hua-yen Buddhism

    the third as pure, and the middle as a mixture of impure and pure. [6] What this means, of course, ...we will discover that it is completely lacking in any nature of its own. [10] In Buddhist ...

    Francis H. Cook


  • The concept of the Absolute in Chan Buddhism

    with the three times non-existent, Mind is the same as Buddha-mind."(6) Monk Hui... actually the works of this school.(10) It was shadowy inasmuch as recent research has ...

    Yun-hun Jan


  • The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence

    experience. [6] However, the `Saiva and other Indian theories neither relativize narrative like Lyotard ...the act itself, the agent, the scene, the agency (i.e., instrument), [10] and the purpose. [11] The ...

    Lawrence, David


  • The nature and status of moral behavior

    in this context. [6] Three further points may be briefly adduced in this connection: first, ...the dichotomy is shown to lead to contradiction of an accepted tenet of the opponent," [10] a method ...

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • A Buddhist View of Repression

    that "a considerable portion of one's life energy is consumed in the denial of death." [6] Most ... open oneself up to the totality of experience." [10] In this sense, too, life is really too much ...

    David Loy

