called Northern of Mahaayaana Buddhists, as the patronymic of the fourth member of the...of Caakya Muni`s death. (1) He is also referred to therein,as being the converter...
L.A.Waddell, LL.D.
those of any prose style. The
open-endedness of a poem serves the same function as
...discusses the pivotal role played by
poetry,as it evolved from the Sanskrit gaathaa found
Sandra A.Wawrytko
1. Buddha as an Educator
Born 2600 years ago in India, Buddha Shakyamuni was best educated by selected scholars and teachers for all the curricula needed as a prince. After leaving ...
Bhikku Musang Pobhy
arguably the Song Dynasty’s most important Chan monk. A valuable part of his education as a future ...known as Dehong) was a member of a circle of monks and laymen belonging to the Huanglong school of ...
minorities, viewed the Kalmyks as traitors after their three-year occupation by Germany during ...thousands died from hunger and cold. They lived there as official "enemies of the people," prohibited ...
Judith Matloff
the Indian
Sects or Schools in the time of the Buddha as
enumerated in a ...thought in a country too often regarded
as the mere domain of a monotonous sacerdotalism.
droppings and uprooted saplings. Tigers and bears roam this forestregion as well.
Each day began at 5:... the noon hour (Thaimonks and nuns eat no food between noon and sunrise). As the day heated up,the ...
River, Jess
long practice, some Thai Buddhist monks and nuns visualise gruesome death images, such as photos taken from autopsies, real bodies or mummies, which are donated to the temple and kept there as ...
Patrice Ladwig
greatlydisappointed, the monk immediately turned to leave. As he did, out of thecorner of his eye he saw the ...actualized and expressedthrough the deeds of one's daily life. Such mundane chores as taking outthe ...
Ven. Sunyana Graef
As UNESCO'... Chinese troops. This kingdom, known as "Unified silla", lasted until 935. ...
Francois-Bernard Hyghe