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  • The Law of Karma and the Principle of Causation

    into a determination of our quantity of existence. [15] There are, in effect. two stories, the ...

    Bruce R. Reichenbach


  • The Logic of Four Alternatives

    [15] In order to resolve the contradictions, it is necessary to remove the ambiguities of A and...

    K. N. Jayatilleke


  • The Logic of the Illogical: Zen and Hegel

    dialectic." [15] It would be more adequate, therefore, to say that Zen is paradoxical, rather than ...

    Ha Tai Kim


  • The Logic of the One-Mind Doctrine

    fruit, branches, all individualised.[15] ...the ignorant take in varieties of situations...

    David Drake


  • The Logical Form of Catuskoti: A New Solution

    different standpoints does not seem tenable. [15] In view of this it is difficult to see how Wayman, ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • The Lotus Sutra and Whiteheads Last Writings

    finite group of selected particulars which are the entities patterned.[15] What brings various ...

    Grange, Joseph


  • The Madhyamika Philosophy: A New Approach

    Relationship can be assumed to exist only between two things existing simultaneously.[15] In knowledge ...concepts are governed by the law of relativity. Wherever that law     p.15 is applicable, we find ...

    R. C. Pandeya


  • kooan and mondoo as linguistic tools of the Zen masters

    a novice and seeks instruction -- enlightenment -- at the feet of the master. [15] So we have ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • The meaning is the use

    a novice and seeks instruction -- enlightenment -- at the feet of the master. [15] So we have ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • An analysis of a sinitic Mahaayaana phenomenon

    the Sanskrit or the p.69 Tibetan.(15) Saigusa ...

    Whalen Lai

