this concept. Jay Garfield, in his recent translation of and commentary on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā ...and I will follow him to some extent in his analysis of the text.2 However, we will part ways at a ...
Ewing Chinn
be answered in a variety of ways. I hold that the Mahayana Buddhist insight of '...the fifth century, the Chinese Buddhists had come to understand it in such...
formed in different historical and cultural circumstances. (2)
In addition to the ...diversity of religious faiths and groundsthe traditions in a cohesive metaphysical substratum.(5) ...
Jung H. Lee
India have also been far from agreement in their opinions, for some have emphasized the practical ... idealistic and acosmic elements, have reduced the differences to a minimum. In Japan, where the ...
Daniel H. H. Ingalls
p. 212
In ...feet 10 inches in height, 3 feet in breadth, and 1 foot 4 inches in thickness, and the top ...
F.S. Growse, M.A., B.C.S.
Jinas (Tirthankaras) are the most puzzling questions of Indian iconography. In an article ...the questions in detail (J. R. A. S., 1928, pp. 815-840). Without going over the whole...
Chanda, Ramaprasad
·期刊原文Buddhist just rule and Burmese national culture:state patronage of the Chinese Tooth Relic in ... One of the most far-reaching efforts in modern Buddhism to create a national cult of ...
Juliane Schober
In addition, many of the series at Buddhist centers (for instance, on the gates and railings of ...evolved in different schools, it is little wonder that variations appear. The earliest complete ...
Gwendolyn Bays
systematically treated in Buddhism proper or have not been the central issues ...nirvaa.na," or to treat them cursorily, in a very indirect way, which leaves the reader in ...
Kenneth K. Inada
term "Upani.sadic philosophy" is not being used to denote the exact words contained in the extant ... reality; we are in bondage due to the ignorance of our true nature; and, finally, we can, and ...
Pratap Chandra