mistakenly apprehended as a snake, the objective referent of our cognition is functionally impotent, and ...mentioned above. [48]
Once we have recognized in our own continuum the two apprehensions of a self, we...
C. W. Huntington, Jr.
of monks. It is
tempting to identify Acaryya Santideva of our plate
with the ...Maharaja
Rudradatta, a slave to our feet, in the village of
Kantedadaka situated ...
Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharyya
radically our
basic views of the art and architecture of the two early Buddhist
Robert L. Brown
the problem. And three reasons may be adduced to show that before the birth of our ... of the 'appendages.' It behoves us to rise superior by virtue of our ...
J. Kennedy
Buddhist sects are enormous. However it is not our intention to dwell on their differences, nor is ...
R. Puligandla and K. Puhakka
life. Our two seasoned social scientists refer to these as "startling," "important ...
Edmund Perry
: Sure. But the people and situations I'm talking about are a metaphor for our whole ...
Christopher Queen, Tikkun
life-support is alsokarmically neutral, provided our basic motivation is to relieve thepatient's ...
Perrett, Roy W.
Order would bring their knowledge and literary practices with them. Our present ...
E. J. Thomas
ballad reciters.' Moreover, our passage proves that these ballad recitations, from which ... B.C. with certain reservations and limitations, we may say with Winternitz " that our ...
Wijesekera, O.H. De. A.