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  • Whiteheads `actual entity and the Buddhas anaatman

    considering the fact that there has been continuity in Buddhist faith and practice up to the ..., especially in his later works he makes several references to the Buddha, and...

    Kenneth K.Inada


  • 四波罗提提舍尼(Patidesaniya )

    received it himself from the hand of an unrelated bhikkhuni in an inhabited area, he is to ...acknowledge it." 1. 任何比丘在有人住的地方从和他无 (血缘) 关系的比丘尼手中接受食物并进食,犯 Patidesanja. 2. In case bhikkhus, being ...



  • Disciplines of Attention

    periods of work. In the light of insights derived from philosophical work on ...8). This reviewer, however, has experienced all three of the disciplines, was trained in...



  • Harivarmans Satyasiddhi-sastra

    philosophical treatise of the first half of the 4th century has come to us only in the Chinese ...definition of the terms Hiinayaana and Mahaayaana in the field of metaphysics, epistemology, and logic. ...

    Johannes Rahder


  • Japan To Allow Organ Transplants [news]

    , paving the way for heart transplantsto occur for the first time in the country. Japan's major law...Manypeople believe that a person's body and soul are linked and that, in givingup an organ, a person ...

    Wise J


  • List of Buddhist Periodicals

    journal itself or its publisher. The list as it stands now includes more than 1200 titles in 20 languages. There are three divisions: The first part (in ABC-order) is for non-CJK periodicals directly ...

    Marcus Bingenheimer


  • 日本重要文化遗产—Enmanin寺的花园和大殿被拍卖

    and hall of a 1,000-year-old Buddhist temple in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, fetched ¥1.07 billion in a ...cultural assets. Enmanin Temple, established in the late Heian Period (794-1192), has huge debts, ...



  • 美国犹他州盐湖寺举行盂兰盆法会 纪念逝去佛教徒

    died in the past year. Flowers decorated the altar and incense was burned as an offering. The festival...temple is in Japan, are designed to help practitioners achieve enlightenment, according to Brenda Koga...



  • Can Corporations Become Enlightened?

    of our time, which our children use to define their world and their lives. In other words: what ...they do. In 1995, only 49 of the world's 100 largest economies were nations; the other 51 were ...

    David Loy


  • Hui-Neng and the Transcendental Standpoint

    Occident-yields profound insight when interpreted in the light of contemporary phenomenological scholarship. In particular, such an interpretation will help us to localize, within the categories of ...

    Steven W. Laycock

