Peter Duus and Kenneth Pyle, among others. These books are as suitable for the classroom as for the ...scholarship produced by Japanese scholars, and draws upon these effectively.
As much as I liked ...
Pierre Francois Souyri,
Kaatyaayanaavavaada Sutra, which has the samecontent as the Paa1i text, Kaccaayanagottasutta.
The ...old ideas coupledwith a seminal interpretation of them in a truly open way. Kalupahana writes as...
David J. Kalupahana
as the body, and secondly that even if he were correct about this, it is not what the Buddha taught....body" I cannot just as well say that "I have a person." His reply is that "in the same way one can ...
Tyson Anderson
experience such that there is "no religion in which it does not live as the real ...article will be an inquiry into whether the holy, described as mysterium tremendum, does indeed ...
legend. It has usually been taken as a simple case of sectarian jealousy, requiring no ...the same as the father-in-law, the paternal aunt as the mother-in- law, and so forth, as ...
A.M. Hocart
beencharacterized as an attempt to hold together a broad range ofconcerns within a precarious ...perspective, the substance of Ch'i-sung'sdiscussion in Y乤n-chiao deals with such questions as: ...
mechanistic, conflict-prone, or pluralistic, or that (as recent ecological theory has often done) ..., as must Christians and Jews, is to take the descriptions of science, absent any prescriptions to ...
Holmes Rolston. III
Introduction to the Middle Way,(1) a work he seems to have composed as a supplement to ...with criteria of validity and soundness accepted by their opponents as existent by...
James Duerlinger
present article. It can sometimes seem that, as "literate, demythologized and ...reluctance on the part of modern scholarship to treat this dimension of Buddhist thought as ...
Rupert Gethin
1215-1294) accepted Tibetan Buddhism and named a Buddhist abbot as religious ...what is now Huangzhong County in Qinghai Province of China. As a child he entered Xiazong ...
Lide, Feng, Kevin Stuart