Buddhist teachings by means of Taoist terms, and the thought of many Dharma Masters such as Seng-chao,...period of Wei and Chin, such intelligent and honorable monks as Seng-chao and Tao-sheng claimed to go...
Wu Yi
forest as friends. They said to each other: "The most seniors(1) of us should ...directly physical terms as senior = higher, junior = lower. In practical terms, this kind ...
Reinders, Eric.
systematic destruction of a culture and a religion. The pacifist Buddhist monks are about as innocent and noble as victims can be; the Nobel Prize-winning Dalai Lama is perceived to be...
Mike Wilson
stemming from Ta-hui, as contrasted to his more ecumenical approach found in his early ...shifting in Dogen's position on important doctrinal or philosophical issues as well....
David Putney
centering around organicism which, as an expression of integrative wholes or architectonic unities, ...bifurcation as a method; it disowns hard dualism as a truth. It further denounces the possibilities of (...
Thome H. Fang
of the An Lu-shan rebellion of 755, Shen-hui emerged as the most honored Ch'an master in the empire ...already 75 years old. [2] Some scholars place it as late as 753.[3] Another fact which lends ...
Robert B. Zeuschner
·期刊原文The meaning is the use: kooan and mondoo as linguistic tools of the Zen mastersBy Henry ...characterized as antiintellectual, antilogical, and antilinguistic. [1] These beliefs are not unworthy ...
Henry Rosemont, Jr.
god, a religious leader as much as a political one.) Although they left no suicide notes, the September hijackers seem to have understood themselves as engaged in a jihad defending Islam against the ...
David R. Loy
defining religion as man's belief in a higher spiritual power or powers. When this definition is applied to...characterized as an "atheistic religion," which in English would almost amount to a contradiction in terms...
Liu, Sbu-bsien
Buddhist vocabulary perhaps none is so puzzling and comprehensive as the term...to be called Hindu dharma as a frame of reference for extrapolating patterns of ethical ...
John Ross Carter