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  • On Chinese Chan in Relation to Taoism[1]

    Buddhist teachings by means of Taoist terms, and the thought of many Dharma Masters such as Seng-chao,...period of Wei and Chin, such intelligent and honorable monks as Seng-chao and Tao-sheng claimed to go...

    Wu Yi


  • Ritual Topography: Embodiment and Vertical Space

    forest as friends. They said to each other: "The most seniors(1) of us should ...directly physical terms as senior = higher, junior = lower. In practical terms, this kind ...

    Reinders, Eric.


  • Schisms, murder, and hungry ghosts in Shangra-La

    systematic destruction of a culture and a religion. The pacifist Buddhist monks are about as innocent and noble as victims can be; the Nobel Prize-winning Dalai Lama is perceived to be...

    Mike Wilson


  • Some Prollems in Interpretation

    stemming from Ta-hui, as contrasted to his more ecumenical approach found in his early ...shifting in Dogen's position on important doctrinal or philosophical issues as well....

    David Putney


  • Wang Yang-mings Philosophy in a Historical Perspective

    centering around organicism which, as an expression of integrative wholes or architectonic unities, ...bifurcation as a method; it disowns hard dualism as a truth. It further denounces the possibilities of (...

    Thome H. Fang


  • The Hsie Tsung Chi

    of the An Lu-shan rebellion of 755, Shen-hui emerged as the most honored Ch'an master in the empire ...already 75 years old. [2] Some scholars place it as late as 753.[3] Another fact which lends ...

    Robert B. Zeuschner


  • The meaning is the use

    ·期刊原文The meaning is the use: kooan and mondoo as linguistic tools of the Zen mastersBy Henry ...characterized as antiintellectual, antilogical, and antilinguistic. [1] These beliefs are not unworthy ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • Buddhist Reflections on the New Holy War

    god, a religious leader as much as a political one.) Although they left no suicide notes, the September hijackers seem to have understood themselves as engaged in a jihad defending Islam against the ...

    David R. Loy


  • The religious import of Confucian philosophy

    defining religion as man's belief in a higher spiritual power or powers. When this definition is applied to...characterized as an "atheistic religion," which in English would almost amount to a contradiction in terms...

    Liu, Sbu-bsien


  • Traditional definitions of the term dhamma

    Buddhist vocabulary perhaps none is so puzzling and comprehensive as the term...to be called Hindu dharma as a frame of reference for extrapolating patterns of ethical ...

    John Ross Carter

