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  • Beyond good and evil-- A Buddhist critique of Nietzsche

    Nietzsche right, from a Buddhist perspective, and where did he go wrong? Nietzsche understood how the ...saw the bad faith in religious values motivated by this need. He did not perceive how his ...

    David Loy


  • Jataka Gathas and Jataka Commentary

    MARCH, 1928 No.1 p. 1 It is of the utmost importance to know how far the Jatakas can be used for historical purposes, more especially...

    M. Winternitz


  • Prolegomenon to Vallabhas theology of revelation

    fall prey to a kind of "tunnel vision." The fact is that every moment in the history of human thought arises in the context of claims and counterclaims about the way ...

    Jeffrey R. Timm


  • Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism

    Hoffman which investigates the "Buddhism of the five Nikaayas," the earliest (Pali) source of ...rational, "accurate and non-trivial" school of thought, the value of which is elucidated, not ...

    Mary Bockover


  • Time in Patanjalis Yogasuutra

    have dealt at any length with the notion of time in Pata~njali's Yogasuutra seem to have been guided...causality too) as we are used to speaking in the West today: philosophically since Kant, physically ...

    Klaus K. Klostermaier


  • Naagaarjuna and analytic philosophy (I)

    -----------------------   p.281   I Some clarifications of the Maadhyamika and some fruitful consequences for modern philosophy arise if we view key terms of the Muulamaadhyamakakaarikaas (MK) as...

    Ives Waldo


  • Where text meets flesh

    ·期刊原文Where text meets flesh: burning the body as an apocryphal practice in Chinese Buddhismby James...religion whose avowed focus is on the mind. In fact, burning the body is one of the most ...

    James A. Benn


  • A reply to Munitz

    -------------------------------------------- p. 353 In my "Confucian Vision and Experience of the World," I have sought to determine how far Munitz' notions of the mystery of existence and ...

    A. S. Cua


  • Good Governance for a Good Society

    University Introduction While governance is the exercise of authority – political, economic and administrative – to manage national resources and affairs, good governance is the art of making the ...

    Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat


  • 大马僧人建立救助基金会 帮助斯里兰卡流离失所儿童

    这些儿童大多是受冲突影响心灵受创,迷失方向和心理脆弱的孩子。Maha Vihara Brickfields法师筹集善款,来使这些孩子接受教育并为他们提供帮助。(编译:子规) The Buddhist Maha Vihara Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur launched the Sri Lanka Aid fund to assist some 400 orphans in...


