Metaphysics (1024(b)). For Aristotle, there are three kinds of falseness: false as a thing, false as an account, and false as a person. The second of this triad ...
T. P. Kasulis
conditions of existence. All this is novel insofar as metaphysics goes and indeed it would have to be a ...metaphysics lodges in the Buddhist concept of experiential process,[1] technically known as ...
Kenneth K. Inada
(s), since the beginning of Paali researches, it has been taken for granted that as far as the ...underlying the phenomenal world, known as Brahman or AAtman; the individual soul is essentially one with this...
Pratap Chandra
eighteen inches long, which were overlapped and glued together, as shown by blank spaces ...reflects their already imperfect condition when they were interred in antiquity (as ...
Richard Salomon
clearly explicated as a central theme of Buddhistic philosophy having to do with the elementarity of process as contrasted with the elementarity of "self" (aatman).
Mendel Sachs
blances between Araa.da's reputed system, as well as several differences, readily can be ...often are referred to as forms of "early Saa.mkhya," (10) and therefore a prelude to ...
Kent, Stephen A.
readers, myself included, this is fairly unfamiliar material. And insofar as Engaged ... styles of conduct that its members deem to be 'Buddhist'" (p. 10). As to the ...
Michael G. Barnhart
tendency of Neo-Confucianism, Wang's philosophy, as is expected, possesses a deeper hue. But both ... knowledge as "the original substance of the mind," "the Principle of Nature," "the intelligence and...
Wing-Tsit Chan[a]
his father's palace. In fact, laughter might well be seen as a ...suffering later identified by the Buddha as ego, desire, attachment, ignorance, bondage, ...
Conrad Hyers
individualsfrom China. The effect of gender as well as Chinese-Western comparisons arealso examined. Suicide ideation rates (defined as thinking about committingsuicide) and rates for planned suicide were ...
Zhang J; Jin S