Chinese, especially Confucian, philosophy has become more and more felt in recent years. Wing-tsit ...contemporary Chinese philosopher." [2] In his early days he studied Buddhist philosophy, primarily ...
Liu [a] , Shu-hsien
By David Loy
In the last decade or so ethics has experienced a revolution, as the ... forest systems and the ozone layer. In spite of distractions such as the debate over "sustainable ...
David Loy
organism than in terms of any other natural force." [1]
This was written forty years ago, before ...most precise available equivalent in the scientific thought of her own time to convey various aspects ...
Teresina Rowell Havens
number of Buddhist scholars have examined the doctrine of "skill-in-means" (upāya-kauśalya) in Mahāyāna Buddhist literature, it is surprising that no one has yet developed this important concept in ...
John Schroeder
scientific explanation, the relationship between distinct levels of theoretical analysis in the sciences (with particular attention to cognitive science), and how we can sidestep difficulties in ...
Jay L Garfield
in anaccumulating tradition centuries old. But perhaps not well,not without unnecessary paradox... imagination are unparalleled in hisgeneration, to my knowledge.(1) The first and most ...
Waley, Arthur
In the words he uses for that More ...Now this is the story of Am.rta. It is that of a Becoming in the New, reduced to a...
Rhys Davids, Caroline A.F.
In The Question of Being, Martin Heidegger writes that ...demeanor are needed to realize that there are in store for planetary building encounters ...
Evan Thompson
rationality. Essentially, the view is that human reason operates always in a specific context ...convergence regarding the conclusions we tend to draw in exercising our reason, ...
Michael G. Barnhart
p. 455
The fact assertted in Mr. H. Fielding Hall's People at School (1906) that, although in the old days "...
E. Washburn Hopkins