as mentioned in the Sutra of Visualizing the Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life (观无量寿经). ..., all these four minds benefiting others as well as oneself. The basic spirit of the Buddha is ...
Shih Weijing
expressed to the Buddha as Teacher of the past and as inspiration for one’s own aspirations to be ...absorb from the Triple Gem;
(e) It can be used to great advantage as an extension of meditation ...
Henry DANG, J.P
Abhidharma schools of Buddhist intellectuals in monastic India. As an arena of disputation, the...as her attempt to extend the identity of lists (matrka) to both the Vinaya as well as ...
commentary on the Patisambhidamagga as the author of that work who lived in the ... the concluding passage of the commentary on the Mahavamsa as the author of the original work...
Siddhartha, R.
the Buddhist thinker Nagarjuna (later published as Emptiness - A Study in Religious ... is understood best not as information or new concepts, but as an awareness that is ...
David W. Chappell
forwhich he was later identified as "the purest priest of theland." These points are important in the...becoming an indivisible whole as an expression ofnatural healing (creative) power. However, his ...
Kawai Hayao
causality are notoriously messy concepts, so to treat them as typical of the inadequacies of all ...referentiality of language. It would be a mistake to think of Nagarjuna's methods as father to the Zen ...
Thomas P.Kasulis
林兆先生中译) 1 All(mental)states have mind as their forerunner,mind is their chief,and they are mind-made, If one speaks or acts, with a defiled mind, then suffering follows one even as the wheel follows ...
selective reporting by the media, as
observed by Walsh (1982). As Walsh reports, this bias is so ...probably shall never cease to discover new aspects and dimensions
of the mind, as it appears endless, ...
Myron J, Stolaroff
explicitly soteriological, designed not so much for edification as to change the reader's way of life.[...ultimate pluralism, in which there is no real unity or harmony of the many. For it, as much as for ...
Reeves, Gene