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  • Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity

    the metaphysical security that guarantees sameness and allowing the radicality of diversity and ... risk presuppositions, foundations, criteria in the name of difference."-- James Buchanan [1] ...

    David Loy


  • 印度克什米尔七世纪佛教古建筑群面临毁坏

    7世纪,伽腻色迦在Parihaspora 举办了一次佛教研讨会,并且该地区还有一些非常重要的文物等待开采。(编译:子规) Reports indicate that the seventh ...destruction. According to a report carried in kashmirwatch.com, despite being the an area of great ...



  • Darstantika, Sautrantika and Sarvastivaldin

    ·期刊原文 Darstantika, Sautrantika and Sarvastivaldin The Indian Historical Quarterly Jean ...quite usually sruti to smrti. The former term includes the revealed texts (Veda and ...

    Jean Przyluski


  • Philosophical ruminations on a Buddhist conundrum

    p.326 I have seen lay-followers, experts in the doctrine, saying "Sensual pleasures are impermanent."... Truly they do not know the doctrine as it really is, even though they say "Sensual pleasures...

    David Burton


  • A Buddhist Critique of Some Secular Heresies

    the foundation of psychoanalysis. If something in my mind makes me uncomfortable and I do not want to cope with it, I choose to ignore or forget it. This clears the way for me to think of something ...

    David R. Loy


  • Nāgārjunas fundamental doctrine of Pratītyasamutpāda

    ---------------- Abstract: Nāgārjuna contends that the doctrine of Pratītyasamutpāda (dependent origination), properly understood, constitutes the philosophical basis for the rejection and ...

    Ewing Chinn


  • Asian values and global human rights

    teaches, the status of missionaries is always ambivalent, because one can distinguish between the quality of the message and the role of the messenger. While the message may be intrinsically sound, the ...

    Fred Dallmayr


  • Japanese ethics: Beyond good and evill

    JAPANESE ETHICS: BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL At the outset I should confess to an uneasiness over thehubristic character of the title of this article, for it willbe impossible to cover all of ...

    Wargo, Robert J.J.


  • Tibetan Buddhist Medicine: A Transcultural Nursing experience

    Experience Tibetan medicine, at 2,500 years old, is considered the oldest surviving ...the earliest form of mind-body medicine and can lend much of its wisdom to holistic and ...

    S. S. Begley


  • Enlightenment below

    understand the Lotus Temple, imagine that Le Corbusier's Pilgrimage Chapel at Ronchamp was completed not in 1955 but in 1220, the same year Chartres Cathedral was finished. The ...

    Cheryl Kent

