AN INTERESTING CHARACTERISTIC of the method Wittgenstein employs in his later work is the use of queer statements such as: Can a machine have a toothache!", "What is the color of the number three?" ...
Charles S. Hardwick
·期刊原文Messengers of light: Chinese Buddhist pilgrims in India(includes related article)(The Pilgrim'...a long and arduous journey when they sought instruction at the wellsprings of Buddhism ...
Paul Magnin
Vol.34 No.1(Feb 1999)pp.33-COPYRIGHT 1999 E.J. Brill (The Netherlands)
The Twentieth century saw a ...
Balkrishna Givind Gokhale
And Gautama the Buddha in the Twenty-First Century
By Vasanthi Srinivasan
Philosophy East and ...and Peace: Aldo Leopold, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Gautama the Buddha in the ...
Vasanthi Srinivasan
·期刊原文Relativity and Transcendence in the Platform Sutra of Hui-Neng:On Polarities and their ...its founding can be derived from the Platform Sutra[a] (abbreviated as PS), the PS as a religious and...
Chung-Ying Cheng
disciples, was not only the consummate scholar, teacher, mentor, and friend, but, in addition, a living exemplar of the Chinese philosophical tradition. He was a participant in and contributor to the ...
Bloom, Irene
There has been much recent discussion concerning the relationbetween Parfit's Reductionism and the view of persons to befound in early Buddhism and Abhidharma....
Mark Siderits
David Loy
Butterfly: The Journal of Contemporary Buddhism
Copyright 2001
----------------------...dominion over the sustaining of our lives. They have become sovereign citizens and we have become ...
David Loy
what may seem an unpromising example, the writings of the Zen Buddhist teacher Dōgen Kigen (1200-1253). The first section of this essay introduces a definition of metaphysics that, although drawn from ...
Kevin Schilbrack
1. A verdict "in the presence of" should be given. This means that the formal act settling the issue must be carried out in the presence of the Community, in the presence of the ...