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  • Buddhism, Modernization, and Science

    ." [2] These statements by leading figures in the behavioral sciences may be taken as some of ...as illustrating this new life-style and community, though in fragmentary and highly specialized form....

    Nolan Pliny Jacobson


  • Divergence, convergence: Buddhist-Christian encounters.

    cross-legged in meditation and attends to his breathing as he has been ... effects of these encounters have been felt across the world, as many Westerners have ...

    Leo D. Lefebure


  • Go east, young monk: A western touch at a buddhist blast

    cultivatemindfulness," says Myonghaeng. As a final rite, initiates burn their forearms with a candlewick for ...intensely one moment,only to deflate the next as he rambles on about life. Based on a hospitalship ...

    Michael Baker


  • Health Beliefs And Early Detection Among Chinese women

    numbers of Chinese women who live in the United States. The Health Belief Model (HBM) emerged as a...embraced those health services labeled as preventivepractices. For Chinese women in the United States, ...

    Hoeman SP; Ku YL; Ohl DR


  • Introduction: The Lotus Sutra and Process Thought

    especially as that has been articulated by Alfred North White-head, Charles Hartshorne, and John ...integrating philoso­phies, harmonizing what otherwise might be seen as disparate factors of human ...

    Reeves, Gene


  • Inviting the demon

    Siddhartha himself and in all human experience. As he sat still, it is said ...Each storm blew its its, only to become a gentle rain of flowers as it approached the ...

    Judith Simmer-Brown


  • Jayatilleke on a Concept of Meaninglessness in the Paali Nikaayas

    (para. 536), "refers to statements (bhaasita.m) of a certain character as 'appaa.tihiirakata.m ... ...and statements of the opposite character as 'sappaa.tihiirakata.m (bhaasita.m) sampajjati' "(Diigha ...



  • Literary supplement: The Dalai Lama lights a candle

    how recently Buddhism appeared as a topicof serious interest on the horizon of the Western ...150 years ago' (xi). What the great Russian orientalist TheodoreStcherbatsky described as 'perhaps the...

    Chris Arthur


  • Note on Vajrapani-Indra

    explanation was given by Professor Vogel, (4) who explained the figure as... Mahayana sutra which has not, so far as I know, hitherto been noticed. ...

    Sten Konow


  • On turning a Zen ear

    Record: "Mind is like the void in which there is no confusion or evil, as when the sun ... It is not the same as the dark-enshrouded ignorance of sentient beings."(4) Ta ...

    David Appelbaum

