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  • Vietnamese home temples and the First Amendment

    laws that directly support one religion over another, as wasthe case in the sixteenth and seventeenth...As the demographics of the religious communitychange, so do the complaints of religious ...

    Chloe Anne Breyer


  • The awakening

    --------------------------- As the driving force behind Laos' move towards a market economy, ...secret war in Indochina. As theconflict escalated, Vientiane soon became the centre for covert ...

    Stephen, Mansfield


  • The debate at bsam yas

    from Tibet, as it remains a living tradition in the memory of the people ...sa^n appears in an exaggerated and grotesque form as the representative of the ousted ...

    Roccasalvo, Joseph F.


  • Early Buddhist Philosophy of Moral Determinism

    instructions as to transliteration and documentation have been followed--else...Society editions. (3) The concept of karman as expounded in Indian thought ...

    V. P. VARMA


  • A Study of Tao Yuan-ming’s Nature Poetry

    supremacy, each served, jointly or separately, as a basic mode of Chinese thinking, which would in ...approach and methods of application, the followers of both Confucius and Lao Tzu [a] set as their ...

    Angela Jung Palandri


  • Tibetan Buddhism: A Perspective

    the country formerly known as Tibet. Further, Lamaistic Buddhism in its foreign habitat has come to ...where, as I shall try to indicate shortly, a singularly pure and refined form of Buddhism persisted. ...

    William S. Weedon


  • Tibetan Buddhist Pointers on Religious Education

    ---------   p201 Tibetan Buddhism1 views religious education as a means of helping others to achieve the highest human potential — conceived as the development of wisdom and great compassion. ...

    Victoria Urubshurow


  • Topics on Being and Logical Reasoning

    philosophy, by ethics. As Bochenski has rightly pointed out, the Chinese logic gives the appearance ...such as Sarvaastivaada. It is, however, by no means nihilistic; it rejects nihilism even more than ...

    Richard S. Y. Chi


  • Tree and Serpent Worship

    Society, as to the meaning of the emblems, found (in pl. xxxiv. Tree and Serpent Worship, 1st ..., which he threw into the arena as a signal for the games to commence." For a ...

    S. Beal


  • Tsung-mis questions regarding the Confucian absolute

    ) Buddhism. As we now have quite a few studies on this monk's life, works, and ...knowledge of Confucianism and some other classical Chinese philosophies. As far as...

    Yun-hua Jan

