找到相关内容1028篇,用时73毫秒. ·把佛教导航设为主页
  • The nature and status of moral behavior

    and to strive against ignorance." [41] Suzuki, himself, in fact, makes the same point: "from the ...attached to the forms of matter and spirit;" [55] he has put all his deepest attachments, including, as ...

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • The Ontology of the Prajnaparamita

    reflected images,(41)mirages,(42)and space.(43)The "'Satasaahasrikaa,"in an often-repeated standard ...emulate him should "raise a thought which is not supported anywhere."(55)It is in the practice of the six...

    Edward Conze


  • Shinrans Response to Tendai

    New series 10-11, 1994.12, pp. 28-55 ------------------------------------------------------------...well as distin- p. 41 guishing self-power Pure Land practice. As a ...

    Alfred Bloom


  • A critical look at the Chinese martial arts

    martial arts, as "drawing inch'i like a bear climbing a tree--like a bird's cry." [41] In the pre-...as aresidue various practices that can be classified as either medicinal orcombat skills. [55] In a ...

    Charles Holcombe


  • Transmetaphysical thinking in Heidegger and Zen Buddhism

    [41] This is the mystery [das Geheimnis] of Being -- that it conceals itself within itself, hiding ..." [55] and Otto Pöggeler's version is "appropriation," [56] but because of the obvious ...

    John Steffney


  • Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the Prajnaapaaramitaa

    of talk, not transacted, not talked about." [41] The skill-in-means (upaaya-kau`salya) of the ... insight, the state of enlightenment: [55] Because of the boundlessness of objective supports (...

    Robert F. Olson


  • Wittgenstein and Naagaarjunas paradox

    Wittgenstein in two articles. [41] In the first he says that Naagaarjuna's criticism of the idea of ... of the brush at all. And that would be the right answer. [55] Wittgenstein situates language in ...

    Tyson Anderson


  • 以憨山为例探究晚明佛教之“复兴”内涵

    风水道路、选僧受戒、立义学作养沙弥、设库司清规、查租课、赎僧产、归侵占,一岁之间百废待举。」[41]至于其详情,可参阅多人研究。[42]此外,憨山自述为甚么要着《华严经纲要》,说道: 「每念华严一宗将...行伍,何莫非佛事。」[55]  其次,他认为修道基点肇于人道: 「究论修进阶差,实自人乘而立,是知人为凡乘之本。……由是观之,舍人道无以立佛法,……是则佛法以人道为肇基,人道以佛法为究竟。……所言人道者...



  • 王政与佛法——北朝至隋代帝王统治与弥勒信仰

    。 而转轮王则是供应弥勒适当的说法环境  ,作的是「生身供养」的护法(注41)。 二者的结合,才能达成护法  的工作。 属于涅盘系经典的各部《弥勒下生经》,所强调的便是此「  护法」的观念(注42)。...为圣众,推令  德作三纲....」(注55),换言之,即以国家为一大教团,皇帝是如来  也是人王。现存之各宗教组织尽行取消,无论道俗均纳入此一「国教  」中。武帝当时虽未有行动,但可能深为嘉许此构想。...



  • 刘逢军养生感悟100条

    ,水亏则火旺,最易伤神。   41、睡时如有思想,不能安着,切勿在枕上转侧思虑,此最耗神。   42、午时属心,此时可静坐一刻钟,闭目养神,则心气强。   43、早起如在寅时三点至五点,...别贪那个小便宜,大便宜也别贪。一个贪字就含着祸。贪,患得患失会导致人得心脏病。贪,患得患失是不懂道法自然的表现。   55、不要天天想着吃什么补阴,吃什么壮阳。记住了,运动就可以生阳;静坐就...


