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  • Nguyen Cochinchina: Southern Vietnam

    of being Vietnamese." Not only is this new way of interest in itself, as she shows, but it also ...Nguyen leaders exploiting the peasantry: he sees it as a peasant rebellion (and one that, Khoi manages to...

    Li Tana


  • The Discovery of Buddhas Birthplace

    The decisive passages of the Paderia Edict are as follows:-- "King Piyadasi [or Ashoka], ...pillar marks the site which was pointed out to Ashoka as the royal garden to which ...

    G. Buhler


  • The generous doctrine of Skillful Means

    A disciple listens intently to the Lord Buddha as he speaks of the way to bliss, ...started to cry as be told me he was going through a painful depression and was afraid that he ...

    Jeff Behrens


  • The Nepalese Caitya

    production matches the in-depth treatment of a subject of signal interest. As George Michell says in the ...Buddhism as prevalent among them. Though brief, the insightful observations of Gellner enables one to ...

    Niels Gutschow


  • Zen Lit

    Zen as secular ethics,as a nifty course in self-improvement, as-Buddha forbid!--therapy. PureHeart, ...

    Will Blythe


  • The Environmental Protection Of The Mind

    perception. As to the enlightening nature, the sixth patriarch ever said, “The bodhi original nature...uncountable ways (dharmas) to cure innumerable diseases of the mind, such as a deluded mind, a greedy mind,...

    Jian-yin Shih


  • 斯里兰卡总统发言要联合佛教国家助斯里兰卡发展

    him as a moral and courageous man,” Dhammawasa Thera said. Meanwhile, Minister of Mass Media, Lakshman...to a leader. The President has also united the sangha as well as the country he added.“There are 12 ...



  • 论宋诗僧惠洪的诗学思想

    艺术的做法。诗歌是情感的艺术,惠洪论诗十分注重诗中含情,虽然在他自己的创作中屡因俗情过重而受到世人责难,却并没有因此而放弃这一诗学理念。惠洪能不...   【英文摘要】As a monk and poet, the outstanding character of the idea of Hui Hong’s poetics is that he treats poem as literature...



  • 斯17世纪寺院佛牙寺佛牙节庆典准备就绪安全无需担忧

    visitors to the annual pageant as the security has improved vastly following the defeat of the Tamil Tigers," said Pradeep Nilanga Dela, chief custodian of the shrine known as Sri Dalada Maligawa. "Till...



  • 布施确实必致获得

    notion (i.e., shove as many business cards into people's faces as you can while telling them all ...define Networking as "The cultivating of mutually beneficial, give and take, win/win relationships.. ...

    Joe Vitale,畅销书《精神营销》作者

