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  • Buddhists protest death sentence

    colleagues," hesays. "But a respect for life is the first precept in Buddhism. Wefundamentally oppose the ...

    Tim, Vanderpool


  • Where text meets flesh

    in this text is that known in the Tiantai tradition as weili daoshuo jie (the precept ... that the precept was understood, for the most part, as a commitment not to ...

    James A. Benn


  • 见月读体律师的律学思想研究

    School; Vinaya teaching; Precept transmission; Reformation of monastic discipline; 【中文摘要】本论文名为“见月读体律师的律...



  • Buddhist Ethics

    constitute an integral whole becomes clear in chapter 4, in the examination of the first moral precept, "I undertake the precept to abstain from the taking of life." The first part of the analysis makes clear...

    Hammalawa Saddhatissa


  • 佛光菜根谭之修行

    precepts,all social problems will be resolved. The first precept is to abstain from drugs,...country peaceful,and crimes few. The second precept is to abstain from illicit sexual relations,promoting...



  • Euthanasia in Buddhism and Christianity

    of human life (the third parajika). The penalty forbreaking the precept is the severest which can be imposed: lifelongexcommunication. The circumstances leading to the promulgation of this precept ...

    Damien Keown


  • The Date of Buddhas Death, as Determined By a Record of Asoka.

    words iyam cha savane, savane, "and this same precept, " of the Sahasram and Brahmagiri versions, and in the simple savane, "the precept" or "(this same) precept, " of ...

    J.F. Fleet, I.C.S.(Retd.), Ph.


  • Future Development of Environmental Care

    . The first precept in Five precepts is “No Killing”. In Buddhist practice, when a person ...the Five precept. In taking the refuge, one is required to recite three times one’s sincere ...

    Ven Seck Kwang Phing


  • Buddhist approaches to abortion

    difference between an unborn foetus and a bornindividual" [8]. Therefore, the precept against taking ...precept concerning sexuality,which as explained by Buddhaghosa is: 'I undertake to observe the rule...

    R. E. Florida


  • Sickness, healing, and religious vocation

    translates into two different precepts in the ten precepts. The nuns have a ten-precept and lay ...become dasa sil matas (ten-precept mothers) and continue to bepreparers of food. Unlike the fully ...

    Nirmala S. Salgado

