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  • To Serve our Buddhist compassion

    To serve our Buddhist compassion, charity and public welfare Humanistic Buddhism's was ...that has obtained the rebirth. Buddhism came from social life, precisely because our society has ...



  • Transforming our suffering

    ·期刊原文Transforming our suffering by Thich Nhat Hanh Parabola Vol. 28 No. 1 Spring.1993 Pp.47-49...leading workshops and speaking to other veterans on healing the wounds of war. Our society is full ...

    Thich Nhat Hanh


  • Loving the World as Our Own Body

    Loving the World as Our Own Body:The Nondualist Ethics of Taoism, Buddhism and Deep Ecology...merely the need to preserve "our natural resources." Lynn White, Jr., one of the first to consider ...

    David Loy


  • Is Buddhism of actual importance to our age?

    Is Buddhism of actual importance to our age? How I see Buddhism Lecture given before...Within the short time of our communication here, hundred of thousands of people are being born or are ...

    Xue Feng


  • How Master Mou Removes Our Doubts

    ·期刊原文 How Master Mou Removes Our Doubts: A Reader-Response Study and Translation of the Mou-tzu Li...Master Mou Removes Our Doubts, John P. Keenan proposes to set aside questions of historical validity...

    John P. Keenan


  • 南非慈济志愿者捐赠物资 援助爱滋收容所

    迪翁收受慈济的捐赠物资 志愿者为孩子们切蛋糕   2008年8月8日清晨,南非中部布鲁芳登慈济志愿者将毛毯、毛衣、蛋、蛋糕和日常用品,捐赠到“Our place”爱滋病关怀之家,受到主人迪翁(Deon〉的亲切接待。



  • The Wheel of Sharp Weapons——利器之轮英文版

    attracted to pleasures,But thrive in the jungle of suffering and pain. (3) We spend our whole lives ...caused by our grasping at egos as real.This ignorant attitude heralds the demonOf selfish concern for our...



  • Buddhist Reflections on Technology

    beings our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as in being able to remake ...case of modifying our own genotype, for example, enthusiasm about this alternative way to reduce some ...

    David R. Loy


  • A harmonious World Begins in the Mind A

    central heating, air conditioning and such things as mobile phones upset our natural equilibrium. We call our cities 'urban jungles', but really they are urban deserts, as almost nothing grows there. I ...



  • A harmonious World Begins in the Mind A

    heating, air conditioning and such things as mobile phones upset our natural equilibrium. We call our...natural environment for our own well-being and mental and physical health. Along with the ...


