大马僧人建立救助基金会 帮助斯里兰卡流离失所儿童
据《Lanksweb》报道,近日,马来西亚吉隆坡Maha Vihara Brickfields 法师建立了斯里兰卡救助基金会,帮助斯里兰卡北部难民营里400多名流离失所的儿童。
这些儿童大多是受冲突影响心灵受创,迷失方向和心理脆弱的孩子。Maha Vihara Brickfields法师筹集善款,来使这些孩子接受教育并为他们提供帮助。(编译:子规)
The Buddhist Maha Vihara Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur launched the Sri Lanka Aid fund to assist some 400 orphans in an Internal Displaced Camp in Northern Sri Lanka. These children are mentally affected by the conflict- traumatized, socially disoriented and psychologically vulnerable.
It is important to reach out to the children as they are the most vulnerable section of the population in any conflict.
To help the children, the Buddhist Maha Vihara Brickfields is organizing a project to raise money to educate and provide assistance to these children.
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