据斯里兰卡《每日新闻》报道,近日,新加坡锡兰佛寺的宏慈佛教协会保证照顾斯里兰卡境内600名流离失所的儿童。据悉,这些儿童中有350人失去父母,还有250名是Vavuniya马尼克农场过境村(transit village )的大学学生。
在科伦坡的一次新闻发布会上,宏慈佛教协会宗教事务顾问Ven. Dr. Alawwe Gunarathana Thera法师表示,所有反对恐怖主义的人都应该来帮助那些流离失所者,他们在长达30年的内战中承受着太多的苦难。
The Mahakaruna Buddhist Society in Sri Lankaramaya Buddhist Temple, Singapore has pledged to take care of 600 internally displaced children including 350 children who had lost their parents and 250 of university students in the Manik Farm transit village in Vavuniya.
Addressing a media briefing in Colombo, Religious Affairs Adviser to the Mahakaruna Buddhist Society Ven. Dr. Alawwe Gunarathana Thera said everyone who are against terrorism should come forward to help the IDPs as they have undergone a number of hardships due to war for 30 years.
Around 290,000 IDPs in the Manik Farm are expected to be provided with cash and kind donations worth over Rs.15million collected by philanthropists living in Singapore.
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