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来源:宝莲禅寺   作者:
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  韩国上院寺(Sangwonsa Temple)
  上院寺(Sangwonsa Temple)古时又名真如院,位于从月精寺向北8公里左右处。上院寺一说是由新罗宣德女王12年(643年)慈藏(590-658)法师与月精寺一同建造,一说是新罗31代王神文王(681-692在位)之子宝川和孝明所建。该寺于圣德王(702-737在位)4年(705年)重建,1946年遭火灾,1947年重建。现在只剩下钟阁,房屋为1945年8月15日朝鲜光复后重建。现在所保留的遗物中有最古老的铜钟(国宝36号)和文殊童子像,以及朝鲜7代王世祖(1455-1468在位)为新建上院寺所亲自撰写的重创劝善文。上院寺入口,有一处因世祖洗浴时悬挂冠带而被称为挂冠带处。还有流传着世祖和文殊菩萨传说的文殊童子像。该像被指定为国宝221号,准确的名称为文殊木雕童子坐像。上院寺除文殊童子像外,还有著名的上院寺铜钟。上院寺铜钟铸造于新罗圣德王24年(725年),高1.67米,直径91厘米。清亮而干净的钟声和钟上的浮雕奏乐飞天像很有名,但现在为保护古钟并不敲击。
  Sangwonsa Temple is located 8km north of Woljeongsa Temple. Stories are told that Sangwonsa Temple was built by Buddhist monk Ja Jang (590~658) in 643, in the 12th year of Silla Queen Seon-Deok, and others say that it was built by Bocheon and Hyo-myeong, the sons of King Sin-Mun (reign 681~692), the 31st king of the Silla Dynasty. It was rebuilt in 705, in the 4th year of King Seong-Deok (reign 702∼737), but it was burnt down in 1946 in a fire, and was restored yet again in 1947. Only a Bell Pavillon was remaining then, and the building was rebuilt after Korea’s Independence Day. The oldest relic left today is Dongjong (National Treasure No.36), Munsu Child Figure, and the Jungchang, the promotion of virtue in rebuilding Sangwonsa Temple, written by the 7th king of the Joseon Dynasty King Sejo (reign 1455∼1468). At the entrance is a site called Gwandaegeori, named after the story that King Se-Jo would hang his royal garments here when he took baths. Also, there is the Munsu Child Figure where the story of King Sejo and monk Munsu comes from. As National Treasure No.221, the official name is Sangwonsa Munsu Wooden Seated Child Figure. At Sangwonsa Temple, there are other pieces other than the Munsu Child figure. The 91cm diameter Sangwonsa Dongjong was established in 725, in the 24th year of Silla King Seong-Deok. It is famous for its beautiful bell sound and the delicately carved Juakbicheon figure but nowadays it is slient to preserve the bell.
  Sangwonsa Temple is located at Jungdaeam on the way to Jeokmyeolbogung in the Mt.Odaesan Birobong Peak direction. At the 2km southwest point is a hermitage where Utongsu Stream, the origin of the Hangang river, flows. Jeokmyeolbogung is a reliquary which possesses the bonesetting relics of Buddha, which was brought by monk Ja Jang from Tang(China).
  * 当地交通
  * 详细资讯
  1. 咨询:上院寺 +82-33-332-6666(韩)
  2. 开放时期及时间:终年开放,08:00-21:00
  3. 门票:个人- 19岁以上3400韩元/13-18岁 1300韩元/7-12岁 700韩元团体- 19岁以上3200韩元/13-18岁 1100韩元/7-12岁 550韩元 * 30人以上为团体 *在五台山国立公园售票处购买门票后,可经月精寺游览上院寺。即上院寺不另收门票。
  Local Transportation
  1. From Jinbu Intercity Bus Terminal, take bus bound for
  Sangwonsa Temple(1 hour interval / 40 min ride).
  2. Taxi takes 30 min from the bus terminal.
  Detailed Info
  1. Inquiries: Sangwonsa Temple +82-33-332-6666 (Kor) / Travel Phone +82-33-1330(Eng,Kor,Jpn,Chn)
  2. Hours: 8 a.m-9 p.m.
  3. Closing: None


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