凤谷寺(Bonggoksa Temple)凤谷寺坐落在松岳面南侧凤首山的山谷中。通往凤谷寺的小径两旁,古木参天,使人顿感佛门胜地的肃然清静。寺庙占地面积800余坪,寺庙东侧,大雄殿与香阁殿相互辉映,北侧是呈"口"字形的廖舍。廖舍后边设有洗手间和仓库,寺院入口往南的丘陵上是三圣阁。香阁殿和三圣阁修建于近年,大雄殿和廖舍的建筑风格古朴典雅,据历史记载,修建于1891年。己酉年(1895년)7月,满空禅师彻悟法性,在这里吟诵“悟道颂”,从此这里成为闻名遐迩的佛门圣地。
Surrounded by lush wildlife Bonggoksa Temple is located alongside the northeast valley in Mt. Bongsusan in Namdan, Songak-myeon. Both Daeeungjeon and Hyanggakjeon sit facing east, and to the north, is the large Yosache (residence for Buddhist monks). Behind the residence, an area has been leveled down for a restroom and storehouse. And Samseongak (a building where three saints are worshipped) is situated on top of the mound to the south of the temple. Although Samseongak was constructed in recent years, both Daeungjeon and Yosache are identified in the restored record that was found by Buddhist monk, Seobong in 1891. The temple has gained renown for being the place where Saint Mangong attained his Buddhist awakening and recited Odoseong, the zen poetry in July, 1895.
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