泰国玛哈泰寺(Wat Mahathat)
玛哈泰寺(Wat Mahathat)位于素可泰古城的中央,四面有沟渠环绕,从印拉第王开始建造,直到1345年完成于李泰王时期,属于皇室宗庙,寺中原有209 座塔,10处僧院,但大部份都仅剩地基而已。
目前还能辨识的主要有纯素可泰式的主塔,周围张着4座室利佛逝(Sri-vi jaya)兼锡兰式小塔和4座高棉式小塔,拥有素可泰主僧院、大城盖的主僧院、李素五骨灰院、南北两座内含9尺立佛的庙宇, 还有黄昏时可拍摄美丽剪影的大雄宝殿。
Wat Mahathat Ayutthaya was built in the early period in 1374. The main stupa is Pang shape made of laterite but in the later periods was resored with brick.
The construction of Wat Mahathat was begun during the reign of King Borommarachathirat I in 1374 A.D. but was completed during the reign of King Ramesuan (1388-1395 A.D.) When King Songtham (1610-1628 A.D.) was in power the main prang (Khmerstyle tower) collapsed. The restoration work on the prang was probably completed in the reign of King Prasatthong (1630-1655 A.D.) During the restoration the height of the prang was considerably increased.
Wat Mahathat was restored once again during the reign of King Borommakot (1732-1758 A.D.) when four porticos of the main prang were added. In 1767 A.D. when Ayutthaya was sacked the wat was burnt and has since then been in ruins.
Wat Mahathat was a royal monastery and has been the seat of the Sangaraja, the head of the Buddhist monks of the Kamavasi sect, since the time of the Mahathera Thammakanlayan, who was a contemporary of King Borommarachathirat I, who built the wat.
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