泰国司里沙外寺(Wat Sri Sawai)
司里沙外寺(Wat Sri Sawai)位于玛哈泰寺西南方,是一座高棉式寺庙,在素可泰之前已有,那时供奉的是印度湿婆神。
寺中最显著的3 座高棉塔从左至右各代表大梵天、湿婆神和那莱天王, 塔中的佛像均移至博物馆中收藏。塔上装饰繁复的灰泥图样仍清楚可见,我们可以仔细观看每一个小佛龛上都有一只龙吐出三只龙的图样,这种传说中的动物叫玛卡拉, 它是大象、蛇和鳄鱼三种动物的混合体, 它会吐出蚋干――似蛇似龙的吉祥物,在泰人的习俗中,奇数是吉祥数字,所以玛卡拉吐出来的一定是1、3、5这些数目。
It was built in the 12th century and was left unfinished when the Khmers were driven out of Sukhothai in the 13th century.
Wat Si Sawai Some 300 metres to the southwest of Wat Mahathat. Inside the wall, the viharn in the west, built of laterite, is separate from the main prang which was constructed in Lopburi or Hindu - style but the others also constructed beside the prangs, are Buddhist viharns. The Crown Prince (King Rama VI), found a trace of Hindu sculpture Sayomphu, the greatest Hindu God in this sanctuary. In his opinion htis ruin was once a Hindu shrine, but was later converted into a Buddhist monastery.
This is a Wat inside the city walls. It is different than the others in being influenced by the Khmer style. This monument seemed to be associated with Hinduism at some time due to the images of Hindu gods found on it. The Hindu santuary was later transformed into a Buddist temple.
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