" way "-he has reached the "other shore," Nibbana.
Making, then, our comparison...all these correlates,--itself the final, unrelated correlate, Nibbana, --the crown of the "...
Edmund J. Mills
to nibbana (nirvana). I, Vaccha, beholding that this is a peril, thus do not approach any of ...
James L. Fredericks
of this world (samsara) and attainment of enlightenment (nibbana). Third, the ritual ...1:23), interpreted by Buddhaghosa (Sv 2:393) as referring to nibbana. (28) ...
Juliane Schober
] , the mind free from preparations, means freedom, nibbana, while the mind with preparations means ...
Ven. Hsing-kong
seek liberation (Pali: nibbana; Sanskrit:nirvana) by practicing meditation, but they do not pay ...innersuffering through meditation. Liberation (nibbana or nirvana) in Buddhismis basically the liberation from ...
Tavivat, Puntarigvivat
Buddha had shown the clear path to attain enlightenment or Nibbana. It is making effort to practice of ...
Saddhamma Kovida