well, which though on the face of them, have nothing to do with sex worship, have ...worshippers (Pisacillika) do.' That cemeteries were resorted to by some seekers ...
Chintaharan Chakravarti
the leaders of the Buddhist order. What, then, was the mighty force to do?
Then...have no corresponding verse in the Sanskrit. And even when the verses do, in the ...
T.W. Rhys Davids
Bodhisattvas do not even necessarily take rebirth in human form. They may choose to be reborn ...
Miranda Shaw
has an impo -rtantplace in this analysis. It is involved in what we do in thislife, and such prac- ...dn) ('dare') instead of san (do) ('scatter'). I, 26b.17. 649c12027.18. I, 25a. The quotation ...
in other words of radical self-development. It has nothing to do with belief devotion, prayer to a ...
Padmal de Silva
1964 Noble Peace Prize laureate, nominated Nhat Hanh for the 1967 prize, writing: "I do ...verse reads: Do not be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ...
Thomas C. Fox
do not lie on one continuum, but on two intersecting ones" and serve respectively the ...
Edmund Perry
about book-burnings and Zen masters who do wild, irrational things to break their ...
Christopher Queen, Tikkun
something else to do, or brings into the discussion
p. 459... of the items which come under that group have in fact very little to do with logic. ...
professor guiseppe tucci
Everest is the highest mountain in the world but we do so by denying the suggestion that there is ...
Dhirendra Sharma